We are at Week 4 of our Newsletter’s reviews of the Torah Annual Reading Program. If this week’s Parashat Vayeira – ‘and He appeared’ can be expected to bring any guidelines as to the direction that this CHANGE should lead to, then we should search out Who, What, Where and Why of the theme Vayeira – and He appeared.
To grasp the deeper implications of this week’s Message it is advisable to refresh on the full contents of these former commentaries. We will find that there is a definite linkage in the Messages of these 4 Parashot:
1st week: Bereisheet (In the Beginning) – featured the ‘Ongoing Creation’ with the accent on the End Time creation of “The Servant of HaShem” who will fulfil the required End Time preparations on which the Final Redemption depends, viz. return of the exiles from all 12 Tribes; promoting reconciliation and unity between them; becoming part of “The Restored Tabernacle of David” in which HaShem intends to dwell and live amongst His People in the 7th Millennial Universal Kingdom era. It stressed the need and benefit for each of us to become part of this ‘Servant’.
2nd week: Noach – featuring the destruction of His Creation by HaShem, yet keeping Noah and family alive for the sake of this End Time ‘Servant’ who is to rule with Him in the New Kingdom Era.
3rd week – Lech Lechah (Get yourself up and going) – This Message sounded the Call to leave your current surroundings: Parents, family, country, culture for the destination and purpose that HaShem requires for His People, viz. to return to the Land of Promise, Israel, and His People, through whom and from where He will rule over the nations. In context with the first two Parashot then, it should infer a CHANGE for and towards compliance to becoming part of the ‘Servant’ whom HaShem is preparing for the End Time Scenario of Final Redemption.
NOTE – the reader cannot hope to possibly consider this CHANGE to becoming part of this ‘Servant of HaShem’ without proper insight of the Scriptural pointers and directives to this ‘Servant’ and what it is all about. You have to read our short review of it from 9 consecutive chapters of Isaiah: The End Time Servant of God
Note also that though this ‘Servant’ is Divinely mandated with all the features and obligations that are generally accorded to ‘The Mashiach’, this term or word ‘Mashiach’ never appears in any of the Scriptures which both Judaism and Christianity apply to “A Mashiach’. Whenever that Hebrew word is used in Scripture (some 38 times only) it refers to a normal person or individual – like David, Cyrus, and various high priests and Biblical personages.
Sublime Divine Calling
Should we, therefore, conclude from this that what has been referred to as ‘Mashiach’ in theology should in fact be applied to that Body of persons or nation through whom HaShem will achieve His ‘Messianic’ intentions? – i.e. gathering of the exiles of all 12 Tribes; achieving peaceful reconciliation in the Family Feud which has been raging between them for 2700 years since the split of the Israel Kingdom of Solomon; becoming that Mishkan (Temple) in which the Living God will dwell amongst His People to rule over His Universal Kingdom in a New World Order?
Would that Call entice you? Are you prepared to CHANGE in order to comply? Will you accept the Divine Challenge of becoming that ‘Servant’ through whom He would bring the Final Redemption which Creation has been waiting for; which has been Prophetically promised throughout the Scriptures? Prophetic fulfilment brings CHANGE – perfecting change requires drastic 180 degrees Change.
This hints at a ‘Restored Way’ to reach and materialize the Final Redemption.
Those souls who are set in their Faith (no matter how much it differs from others) would find such Change hard or beyond consideration, no matter the promised Divine Benefits.
Next – one would expect a Guideline towards reaching this Change and a description of the required Change: Which Way? What does this Change entail?
The reader may suspiciously surmise that there is an agenda behind this – an agenda to promote ‘strange doctrines that mislead’. But, then consider the disturbing hint linked to the Messages of the previous three Parashot: CHANGE. In order to conform and become part of that sublime Body, the ‘Servant’ of HaShem, will require CHANGE.
The revelationary true concept of this ‘Servant’ lay hidden in the archives of Scripture for more than 3 millennia until these End Times. It no doubt has been awaiting the prophetically promised New End Time Light. This Time may well have now arrived.
End Time Light calling for CHANGE
This week’s Newsletter topic searches where such suggested CHANGE should lead to. Its theme materialized from surrounding ongoing circumstances and trends in this turbulent World which is staggering like a drunkard these days. What transpired from the material gathered for this Newsletter commentary was that it corresponded with the theme and message of the Written Parashah section in the Torah. We believe that it therefore may be assumed to have been occurring by Divine Guidance and leading, and therefore to be considered as sound advice. HaShem does not send written confirmations in this regard – according to His Creation Decision He leaves us FREE to conclude and promote resultant information.
Of course, such information based on conclusions derived as explained, have to be tested and measured against existing conclusions, especially that of associated leadership guidance (teachers, rabbis, ministers, etc). Here we have to emphasize the importance of God’s mandated interpreters – Judah, the Divinely appointed “CEO” until HaShem comes to rule in Hs Eternal Kingdom with His ordained ‘Servant’ for the Cause.
Now, what if there is a divergence from such strongly held convictions? Would such suggested ‘CHANGE’ have an impact on the mandated leadership opinion? Should it? Could it?
This is where wisdom and courage have to be applied. Scripture is emphatic about the appearance of clarifying Light in the End Time. This obviously will require Change – else it is not new Light. Add to this, that we have not yet reached Final Redemption and that confusion increases and reigns throughout governments, religions, society – the whole specter of the modern being.
So, does our Parashat 4 this week confirm the topic that has evolved over the week to take shape from real virtual events and communications? Let us see:
Week 4 – Vayeira (And He appeared). This Parashah, considered now by the evidence that recent World developments have presented, could lead us on a spiritual journey to bring us to a 180 degree CHANGE. A change – not in original Faith principles as interpreted by Judah (authentic Judaism), but a Change in reconsidering the requirements for the Reconciliation of the 2 estranged Houses of Israel (a MUST READ!) after this tragic 2700 year division of hatred between two sections of the SAME Family. Such CHANGE would need no condemnation by Judaism if it led to Peace and Reconciliation in the Family of God – i.e. the “Yoseph Mandate” (you will also find additional Scriptural evidence and guidance in the ‘Related Topics featured at the foot of this article). Judaism is sound – but it also needs consideration of the ‘New End-Time Light’ (Daniel 12:4, etc) which is to come.
A New Light which has certainly dawned over the last few decades has become evident by the formation of lately of a Tsunami Wave across the World of non-Jews who are turning towards Torah, to Torah Judaism and to the Land of Israel. The KOL HATOR Vision is primarily involved with promoting Scriptural knowledge and virtual evidence all over the Earth of this prophesied Awakening and Restoration of the 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel.
This hatred in the last 3700 years centred on a rejection by the 10-Tribed Northern ‘House of Israel’ of the Divinely mandated leadership of the House of Judah. Over the last 2000 years this rejected and exiled House of 10-Israel evolved and found spiritual shelter in Messianic Christianity where it bred the concept of a professed Messiah claimed by the Church. Christianity not only sheltered the descendants of the Lost House of 10-Israel but served also as a shelter for millions of Lost Jews through the centuries. The latter group is referred to in the Talmud as ‘The Captive Child of Judah’ with the reprimand to bring them back to their true Hebrew identity.
The purported ‘Messiah’ of this Lost House of Israel, centered in Christianity, became the dividing wall in the Family of the God of Israel for the last 2000 years – the ‘dagger’ that further tore the Family apart.
Thus, in short, 2000 years of animosity, division, death and hatred may all have been misplaced on erroneous convictions, interpretations and religious traditions on both sides. The Truth is that both stem from the same Family – the covenanted Nation of HaShem.
This week’s Parashat Vayeira explodes the atom that could bring CHANGE. Rather than a Bomb which shatters all in its path, this CHANGE would bring the miracle ointment to heal the cancer of 3000 years of deadly Family Strife:
– the CHANGE suggested in our previous Parashat Lech Lecha “Get yourself up and going” … with this Message of Healing!.
– The CHANGE that will set the stage for Final Redemption to mature.
– The CHANGE that will help to formulate the structuring of the ‘Servant of HaShem’ which will serve as the Temple for Him to live in and rule amongst His People and the Nations.
– The CHANGE that will also bring a clearer understanding to His People of WHO the God of Israel truly is:
The Key that provides the knowledge to bring about this Change lies in the theme of the Parashah: “And He appeared …” – the title of the Parashah taken from the introductory words of this section of Scripture.
WHO is this referring to in the Parashah?
THIS is where CHANGE will be required for BOTH factions of this Family feud which is so destructively based on traditional misunderstanding – as so many family feuds in life are. The Written Word in this Parashah speaks for itself – and in particular, it does not confirm the currently held interpretation of either House, Judah, or NT Messianic. It is incomplete traditional insight and interpretation on both sides that caused this misunderstanding. The key to unlocking this misinterpretation lay hidden awaiting this End Time enlightenment.
Like all New Light this will not be easily accepted – rather vehemently rejected by popular traditional concept holders – on all sides
We can present in-depth studies to back up this topic presented herewith, the greatest of all topics – but this is not possible in the scope of this newsletter. Suffice it here to point out a few leading concepts which underlie all of Scripture – in its correct context:
2 and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood over against him; and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed down to the earth,
Now please continue with the rest of this chapter, laying aside ANY and ALL previous concepts and simply READ what is written – and note:
How the same scenario report changes between three men and One, all named YHVH.
How Avraham addresses Him / Them as exalted, Divine.
The Divine Eternal Promises uttered by Him / Them.
Three speaking as One and addressed by Avraham as one. Check the verbs ranging between singular and plural.
And later in the same chapter, the three ‘Men’ leaving, yet Avraham remaining “before HaShem” to continue the famous plea by Avraham for the inhabitants of Sodom.
The following chapters continue the same weird configuration of this “Appearance” of HaShem, ranging between 3, 2 and one ‘man’ as the occasion requires. Finally in this Scripture section, “YHVH (present with Lot on his escape from Sodom next to be destroyed) made fire come down from YHVH in Heaven” to destroy Sodom (Gen. 19:24).
NOTE – If you sincerely wish to delve into comprehensive analyses of Scriptural and Chazal evidence in support of this concept, then please CONTACT us and join a private discussion (Group or individually with OvadYah ovadyah777@gmail.com ).
This is a highly controversial topic – BUT unwaveringly backed by comprehensively worded Scripture all in Torah, which repeatedly declares that God did indeed appear to man on selected occasions:
– His appearance to Moses as a Fire in the Burning Bush Ex. 32;
-His wrestling with Jacob Gen. 32;
– His appearance to Manoah and his wife Judges 13;
– His appearance to Hagar Gen. 16;
– His appearance to Balaam Ex. 22;
– His appearance to Gideon, Samuel, on Mt Sinai to Moses, in the Wilderness Tabernacle, in the Most Holy sector of the Jerusalem 1st Temple.
Ezek. ch 10 describes His ‘visible’ departure from mankind at the Destruction of the 1st Temple – and we are now, according to all Rabbis, awaiting the “Return of His Shechinah” after which, according to Prophecy, He will live amongst His People and “Every eye shall see him” at His return.
This all begs a suggested Solution ….
What if the Cue that Parashat Vayeira gives us, when correctly interpreted i.e. that God can and did indeed appear to selected individuals and groups of mankind, what if this were indeed true? How will it affect the expectations of both authentic Judaism and purported 10-Israel return and reconciliation?
This Final Redemption is now right ahead of us as we close in on the end of the “6th Day (millennium) of Creation”, with the sublime Promise of a 7th Millennium New World Order on the horizon for BOTH Houses of Israel – on condition that they unite peacefully through mutual reconciliation.
THIS is what we should proclaim and strive after.
In fact, in our Newsletter commentary on the 1st week Parashat Bereisheet, we presented a supposition: “Is there a hidden Message in Corona that God is reflecting towards His Covenant Nation, the Jews – and the re-awakening and to-Torah-returning Skeleton of 10-Israel amongst all nations where they have been exiled throughout the last 2700 years?
“We expect, yes – there is! This Corona infected festering Cancer will eventually force Judah into submission to act on their Divinely mandated responsibility to become ‘Yosef – the family Restorer’, that ‘Servant of HaShem,’ recognizing the ‘Egyptian’ Yoseph under His outer Egyptian gear by his Torah inspired ‘circumcision of heart’, thus becoming that Yoseph to bring about the Reconciliation of the exiles from all 12 Tribes without which there can be NO Geulah.” – to bring them HOME to a restored and re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Torah covenanted souls.
Finally, if any Jew, after reading this, still sees a danger and threat posed by “a pagan culture which prevents bringing the Lost and captive Child of Judah and 10-Israel back to the Land and to Torah covenanting with Judah”, then you have simply clung to the roots of the 2700 years Division in the Family and insist on eternalizing the Family Division and in so doing avert the Final Redemption.
And, if you are an NT Messianic and construe from the above that this refers to a Divinely sanctioned CHANGE for Jews to join you on your Way Home ‘to Heaven’; or if you continue to insist that the Jews, “for their salvation”, need your purported Messiah whom you present to Jews as ‘the son of the Most High‘ (as if to claim that the Most High is incapable of ‘saving’ Jews and needs the help of His ‘son’), then you are simply determined to hold on to the Dagger which caused the death and persecution of millions of Jews throughout 2000 years – content to eternalize the Family Division and forestall the Final Redemption.
It is time for 10-Israel in Exile as currently awakened to their original Torah identity to grasp the Truth of ONE ONLY TRUE GOD Who knows no other God or Saviour,
And it may be Time for Judah to realize that our daily repeated prayers are being fulfilled and that the Time is coming that “every eye shall SEE Him, the One True God Whom Judah worships and to Whom ‘every knee shall bow’ at His Appearance” – at the Time of the Final Redemption when the Family has reconciled in Peace and united to form His Restored and Re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom.
Cautionary Note:
If you simply critically scanned thru this article to prove it wrong, then you had better get your facts straight by reading it again and again (including the links contained therein), in the process seriously considering the Scriptural confirmation which may enforce the CHANGE that these Parashot Messages convey.
Blessings on your sincere reconsiderations.
co-founder, KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel
THIS is where CHANGE will be required for BOTH factions of this Family feud which is so destructively based on traditional misunderstanding – as so many family feuds in life are. The Written Word in this Parashah speaks for itself – and in particular it does not confirm the currently held interpretation of either House, Judah, or NT Messianic. It is incomplete traditional insight and interpretation on both sides that caused this misunderstanding. The key to unlocking this misinterpretation lay hidden awaiting this End Time enlightenment.
The purported ‘Messiah’ of this Lost House of Israel, centered in Christianity, became the dividing wall in the Family of the God of Israel for the last 2000 years – the ‘dagger’ that further tore the Family apart.
Identifying this End Time CHANGE
Week 4 – Vayeira (And He appeared). This Parashah, considered now by the evidence that recent World developments have presented, could lead us on a spiritual journey to bring us to a 180 degree CHANGE. A change – not in original Faith principles as interpreted by Judah (authentic Judaism), but a Change in reconsidering the requirements for the Reconciliation of the 2 estranged Houses of Israel (a MUST READ!) after this tragic 2700 year division of hatred between two sections of the SAME Family. Such CHANGE would need no condemnation by Judaism if it led to Peace and Reconciliation in the Family of God – i.e. the “Yoseph Mandate” (you will also find additional Scriptural evidence and guidance in the ‘Related Topics featured at the foot of this article). Judaism is sound – but it also needs consideration of the ‘New End-Time Light’ (Daniel 12:4, etc) which is to come.
A New Light which has certainly dawned over the last few decades has become evident by the formation of lately of a Tsunami Wave across the World of non-Jews who are turning towards Torah, to Torah Judaism and to the Land of Israel. The KOL HATOR Vision is primarily involved with promoting Scriptural knowledge and virtual evidence all over the Earth of this prophesied Awakening and Restoration of the 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel.
This hatred in the last 2700 years centred on a rejection by the 10-Tribed Northern ‘House of Israel’ of the Divinely mandated leadership of the House of Judah. Over the last 2000 years this rejected and exiled House of 10-Israel evolved and found spiritual shelter in Messianic Christianity where it bred the concept of a professed Messiah claimed by the Church. Christianity not only sheltered the descendants of the Lost House of 10-Israel but served also as a shelter for millions of Lost Jews through the centuries. The latter group is referred to in the Talmud as ‘The Captive Child of Judah’ with the reprimand to bring them back to their true Hebrew identity.
Thus, in short, 2000 years of animosity, division, death, and hatred may all have been misplaced on erroneous convictions, interpretations, and religious traditions on both sides. The Truth is that both stem from the same Family – the covenanted Nation of HaShem.
This week’s Parashat Vayeira explodes the atom that could bring CHANGE. Rather than a Bomb that shatters all in its path, this CHANGE would bring the miracle ointment to heal the cancer of 3000 years of deadly Family Strife:
– the CHANGE suggested in our previous Parashat Lech Lecha “Get yourself up and going” … with this Message of Healing!.
– The CHANGE that will set the stage for Final Redemption to mature.
– The CHANGE that will help to formulate the structuring of the ‘Servant of HaShem’ which will serve as the Temple for Him to live in and rule amongst His People and the Nations.
– The CHANGE that will also bring a clearer understanding to His People of WHO the God of Israel truly is:
The Key that provides the knowledge to bring about this Change lies in the theme of the Parashah: “And He appeared …” – the title of the Parashah taken from the introductory words of this section of Scripture.
WHO is this referring to in the Parashah?
Like all New Light this will not be easily accepted – rather vehemently rejected by popular traditional concept holders – on all sides
We can present in-depth studies to back up this topic presented herewith, the greatest of all topics – but this is not possible in the scope of this newsletter. Suffice it here to point out a few leading concepts which underlie all of Scripture – in its correct context:
2 and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood over against him; and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed down to the earth,
Now please continue with the rest of this chapter, laying aside ANY and ALL previous concepts and simply READ what is written – and note:
– How the same scenario report changes between three men and One, all named YHVH.
– How Avraham addresses Him / Them as exalted, Divine.
– The Divine Eternal Promises uttered by Him / Them.
– Three speaking as One and addressed by Avraham as one. Check the verbs ranging between singular and plural.
– And later in the same chapter, the three ‘Men’ leaving, yet Avraham remaining “before HaShem” to continue the famous plea by Avraham for the inhabitants of Sodom.
– The following chapters continue the same weird configuration of this “Appearance” of HaShem, ranging between 3, 2 and one ‘man’ as the occasion requires. Finally in this Scripture section, “YHVH (present with Lot on his escape from Sodom next to be destroyed) made fire come down from YHVH in Heaven” to destroy Sodom (Gen. 19:24).
NOTE – If you sincerely wish to delve into comprehensive analyses of Scriptural and Chazal evidence in support of this concept, then please CONTACT us and join a private discussion (Group or individually with OvadYah ovadyah777@gmail.com ).
This is a highly controversial topic – BUT unwaveringly backed by comprehensively worded Scripture all in Torah, which repeatedly declares that God did indeed appear to man on selected occasions:
– His appearance to Moses as a Fire in the Burning Bush Ex. 32;
-His wrestling with Jacob Gen. 32;
– His appearance to Manoah and his wife Judges 13;
– His appearance to Hagar Gen. 16;
– His appearance to Balaam Ex. 22;
– His appearance to Gideon, Samuel, on Mt Sinai to Moses, in the Wilderness Tabernacle, in the Most Holy sector of the Jerusalem 1st Temple.
Ezek. ch 10 describes His ‘visible’ departure from mankind at the Destruction of the 1st Temple – and we are now, according to all Rabbis, awaiting the “Return of His Shechinah” after which, according to Prophecy, He will live amongst His People and “Every eye shall see him” at His return.
This all begs a suggested Solution ….
What if the Cue that Parashat Vayeira gives us, when correctly interpreted i.e. that God can and did indeed appear to selected individuals and groups of mankind, what if this were indeed True? How will it affect the expectations of both authentic Judaism and purported 10-Israel return and reconciliation?
This Final Redemption is now right ahead of us as we close in on the end of the “6th Day (millennium) of Creation”, with the sublime Promise of a 7th Millennium New World Order on the horizon for BOTH Houses of Israel – on condition that they unite peacefully through mutual reconciliation.
THIS is what we should proclaim and strive after.
In fact, in our Newsletter commentary on the 1st week Parashat Bereisheet, we presented a supposition: “Is there a hidden Message in Corona that God is reflecting towards His Covenant Nation, the Jews – and the re-awakening and to-Torah-returning Skeleton of 10-Israel amongst all nations where they have been exiled throughout the last 2700 years?
“We expect, yes – there is! This Corona infected festering Cancer will eventually force Judah into submission to act on their Divinely mandated responsibility to become ‘Yosef – the family Restorer’, that ‘Servant of HaShem,’ recognizing the ‘Egyptian’ Yoseph under His outer Egyptian gear by his Torah inspired ‘circumcision of heart’, thus becoming that Yoseph to bring about the Reconciliation of the exiles from all 12 Tribes without which there can be NO Geulah.” – to bring them HOME to a restored and re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Torah covenanted souls.
Finally, if any Jew, after reading this, still sees a danger and threat posed by “a pagan culture which prevents bringing the Lost and captive Child of Judah and 10-Israel back to the Land and to Torah covenanting with Judah”, then you have simply clung to the roots of the 2700 years Division in the Family and insist on eternalizing the Family Division and in so doing avert the Final Redemption.
And, if you are a NT Messianic and construe from the above that this refers to a Divinely sanctioned CHANGE for Jews to join you on your Way Home ‘to Heaven’; or if you continue to insist that the Jews, “for their salvation”, need your purported Messiah whom you present to Jews as ‘the son of the Most High‘ (as if to claim that the Most High is incapable of ‘saving’ Jews and needs the help of His ‘son’), then you are simply determined to hold on to the Dagger which caused the death and persecution of millions of Jews throughout 2000 years – content to eternalize the Family Division and forestall the Final Redemption.
It is time for 10-Israel in Exile as currently awakened to their original Torah identity to grasp the Truth of ONE ONLY TRUE GOD Who knows no other God or Saviour,
And it may be Time for Judah to realize that our daily repeated prayers are being fulfilled and that the Time is coming that “every eye shall SEE Him, the One True God Whom Judah worships and to Whom ‘every knee shall bow’ at His Appearance” – at the Time of the Final Redemption when the Family has reconciled in Peace and united to form His Restored and the Re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom.
Cautionary Note:
If you simply critically scanned thru this article to prove it wrong, then you had better get your facts straight by reading it again and again (including the links contained therein), in the process seriously considering the Scriptural confirmation which may enforce the CHANGE that these Parashot Messages convey.
Blessings on your sincere reconsiderations.
Co-founder, KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel
Note – Click ‘Refresh’ or ‘Hebrew’ in URL window if the Hebrew text does not appear on the left side in addition to the English.
Parashat Commentaries for Vayeira
Please refer to a wide selection of Commentaries which we have featured in previous years – and note that they all elaborate on the essential insights that underlie this “Bombshell” Interpretation as reviewed above.
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An Audio-visual Review of the book authored by Rabbi Avraham Feld & OvadYah Avrahami. This book reveals the ‘hidden Secrets of Judaism’s invincibility’. These vibrant, spiritual life-giving formulas have been uncovered from the New Testament by re-identifying remnants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, who were prophetically destined to rediscover their ancient identity in the “End Times”. These eternal …
Independent research scholar. He works tirelessly as an activist promoting Israel and settlement of the Land of Israel, and as Webmaster and co-ordinator of Kol HaTor. Read More.
Seeking grassroots support from both Jewish and Hebraic Restoration 10-Triber ranks. If you identify with the Prophetic Cause of the Restoration of the United Kingdom of Israel, then we need your Voice of support. Please read 'The factors that Unite us' - if in agreement, you are invited to join our Action Team or Observation-Only group.