Shomron (Samaria) Bus Tours
See and experience the SHOMRON (SAMARIA) – the ancient Biblical Heart Land of Israel, home of the Patriarchs and Prophets for 5 centuries before Jerusalem was established; the Bible Heartland hidden for 2000 years – now only being revealed by God!
Shomron area Tours can include the following places:
- See the route which the first Israelites followed to enter the Land after the Exodus
- Visit the Mount where Avraham was shown the Promised Land by G-d
- Travel the Road of the Patriarchs & Prophets of Israel
- Shiloh (where 1st Tabernacle stood 400 years before Jerusalem Temple)
- Joshua’s Altar on Mt Eval – FIRST ever structure built by the ancient Israelites
- Semaria – the ancient capitol of the Ten Tribes, King Ahaz, Jezebel.
- The current controversial Hill-top settlements
- Meet the brave Jewish settlers in their homes
- Shomron Wineries, factories, farms
- Many major towns and farm areas of Shomron / Samaria
- Established towns and suburbs under threat of dismantling
- Ariel, Karnei Shomron & surrounding Settlements
- Mt Gerizim (next to Shechem / Nablus)
- Samaria – the modern city of the remnants of ancient Samarians
- The Jordan Valley, Jezreal Valley and Gilboa Mountain range.
Professional licensed Israeli Tour Guide. Most of these Sites are NOT on the normal tourist routes and are even unseen by most Israelis.
If circumstances allow, military guided tours to:
- The ancient capital city of the 10 Tribes: Samaria
- Joshua’s Altar on Mount Eval.
Normal tours to Israel do NOT offer visits to this area, which is even forgotten by most Israelis. It is our conviction that God is now going to reveal the hidden spiritual treasures of this part of the Bible Land (which is majorly 10-Triber Land) in the sight of the nations, as we have no doubt entered the End Time Scenario. Tours in the Shomron will present you with the opportunity to become a forerunner in this great Experience!
For Bookings or more information, write to:
Whatsapp +972527474834 (srael office hours 10 am – 10 pm)
You are guaranteed to enjoy the thrills of an eye-opening, mind-rejuvenating, spiritually explosive experience by joining this tour.
If you are a Christian
- arm yourself with the visible evidence of the Bible Heart Land and its history which will make the Scriptures not only far more real for you, but also leave you in future with an indelible memory, making Bible reading a virtual experience for the rest of your life;
- see the Land where Jesus walked, spoke to the woman of Samaria and taught his followers;
- increase your knowledge and understanding of the current Hebraic Restoration awareness amongst Christians;
- experience for real the hardships of the Jewish settlers, their inspiring zeal for claiming the Promises of the Bible, their unbound perseverance in the face of the onslaught (even from their own government) on their religious convictions to settle the Land of their fathers
If you are a re-identifying 10-Triber
- see the Land and the ruins of cities where your forefathers started serving strange gods and pagan religions;
- come to know the Land of your future, which Divine Oath has promised to return you to;
- experience the bravery and hardships of Jewish settlers, settling and preparing the Land for your future
- Shomron is 10-Triber land. Come to realize the responsibilities resting on you to support Judah’s (the Jewish) struggle to protect the Land from being bartered away by the Israeli rulers who see settler activities as a threat to their future survival.
If you are Jewish…
…and live outside of Israel
Discover the Land of the Patriarchs – Avraham, Yitzchak, Ya’acov, Yosef, David – where HaShem promised them to become the fathers of many nations. See for yourself the facts on the ground which are being so misrepresented by the media; meet the settlers, share their experiences and their successes; acquaint yourself with the true political implications and the need for retaining and developing the Land.
…and if you live in “Main Land, Israel” and have not been to Shomron yet, or not recently
May we invite you to a trip L’Chutz l’Aretz’ (“overseas”) for a fraction of the costs of an overseas trip?
Yes, we know that the Shomron and its brave settlers are like another country for most Israelis inside the Green Line. The media may have convinced you that settlers are illegal occupiers who threaten the Peace for you and your children and that Israel would be better off handing the West Bank (Shomron and Judea) to the Arabs. Even if you are living just 10 Km away from the border of the Shomron, you probably have no idea, or you may hold very slanted ideas of how Jews really live in this Wonder Land – which in fact, statistically is far safer than mainland Israel!
Come see for yourself! Meet the settler “extremists,” the Hill-top Youth and be challenged to change your conceptions drastically. That is why the media scares you off and don’t want you to see it for yourself!
Be blessed with a renewed vision of the reality of Shomron.
The Shomron is not on any of the normal tour routes on offer. Our Guides are top specialists who are residents of the Shomron themselves, who know the area intricately, are in contact with the Settlement leadership, and well acquainted with the political history and development of this Wonder Land.

You will find your visit to Shomron to be rejuvenating spiritual experience, causing a total paradigm shift in your understanding about:
- Israel and the Bible,
- The current political dramas which threaten a nuclear war scenario for Israel,
- Why the world does not want Israel to include the Original Bible Heart Land of Shomron,
- The exciting prophetic future of an even Greater Israel area with vast extended borders specified in the Bible,
- The Divine Intent for the Land of Israel in its universal setting,
- Biblical understanding and individual spiritual identity and purpose in life.
Tour Price:
$100 per person – includes a light lunch and refreshments.
Contact Details
Compiled and presented by KOL HATOR –
Go to our Contact Page or…
e-mail address:
Call OvadYah Tel. +972 52 7474834 or Whatsapp, Telegram