The Kol Ha Tor Vision undertakes the dissemination of knowledge, news and facts on the topic of the great division between the two Houses of Israel (i.e. Judah and Yoseph/Ephraim, the Northern kingdom of the ancient 10 Tribes of Israel). This is done in order to establish Peace and promote reconciliation where great division has raged for almost 3000 years, since before the exile of the Northern 10 Tribes of Israel. Anciently and until the Exile of the Ten Tribes, some 8 centuries BCE, the division raged between Judah (Jews) and the Northern kingdom of Israel.
In modern times it has evolved to be basically between Judaism and Christian Messianism with which the Ten Tribes seem to have assimilated in their Exile amongst the nations and from which there currently is a mass awakening and turning away from the Church, to return to their ancient Hebraic Roots, i.e. the Torah and culture of Judaism.
This End Time re-identification process for the reconciliation of the 2 Houses of Israel and the formation of a re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel forms the main theme of Biblical Prophecy. It entails the total and complete concept of Redemption. It is the main theme of the Bible Message which has been faithfully preserved in the Scriptures of the Bible:
– refer Bible Confirmations of the Return of the Tribes of Israel
The Kol HaTor Project is also an active attempt to promote and further the factual evidence of this current amazing Prophetic fulfillment of the re-identification of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel (10-Israel), their re-awakening to their original Hebraic (Hebrew) roots and their eventual Return to the Land of Israel to re-unite with Judah (the Jews).
The formation of the United 12-Tribed Kingdom of the Creator G-d of Israel, into one undivided unity, forms the main theme of Biblical Prophecy about the Great End Time, Divine Intention for mankind. This is referred to as “The Redemption” in Judaism, as expounded upon by great Rabbinic Sages (notably the Gaon of Vilna) and Rabbinic expectation in general
Special Message to spiritual leaders and Project promoters
The strategy and benefit of the Kol HaTor Project, is to offer an Umbrella facility to both the House of Judah and to the greatly splintered House of 10-Israel. Through this Umbrella facility Kol HaTor strives to gather us all into closely shared protection against the storm raging out there:
- NOT to create yet another new organization
- NOT to infringe on your current organization or principles of Faith
- NOT to draw support away from yourselves
- NOT to change your views beyond what we probably already can agree on
- NOT to set any guidelines from which you may not deviate (apart from the foundational principles which are defined in the 7 “Uniting Factors” which associates should agree upon. refer Uniting Factors
Your associating with the Kol HaTor Vision under the Kol HaTor Umbrella will provide us all with the following benefits:
- that together, we will labour for the greatest Promise and Goal which the Torah sets before us: Redemption (‘Geulah’), the Reconciliation in the Family and Nation of HaShem – a Reunited 12-Tribed House of Israel
- together we will become a Voice (‘Kol’) which will be hard to silence or to suppress. This Voice will declare the Divine Purpose of HaShem, i.e. Reconciliation IN the Land of Promise. Together we will bring this Reconciliation to fruition for we are ALL part of it.
The Kol HaTor strategy is successful – as proven by:
- the forthright and eager supportive co-operation which the Project is receiving from 10-Triber leaders and even prominent orthodox Rabbis (though a small percentage, while the majority is carefully scrutinizing the direction that this Project will be taking).
- the opportunities already created, with benefits both for independent projects and for Kol Ha Tor. Once associates understand, accept and co-operate with this strategy, we all will go places – and much more so, the Purpose and Plan of HaShem will be achieved: Peace in Zion!
The Benefits of Kol Ha Tor Association
Active supporters or ‘Associates’ will become intimately acquainted with the steering and planning, the success and problems, the joys and the sorrows that the Project experiences along the way. They may also become actively involved in the management of the Project. They will therefore be exposed to confidential information which we can only share with those who truly share the KHT Vision and who have a passion to promote it. Active support association will include membership of the Kol Ha Tor Forum through which Associates will be informed of developments and progress of the Project and share in related discussions. They will also enjoy other privileges like:
- sharing in special projects and developments in order to promote the Reconciliation;
- special studies and information;
- participation in research study topics with scholars in these fields, in order to establish further Truth;
- Opportunities for associates to promote their own individual projects via KHT channels. KHT will use its contacts and facilities, via willing associates, to promote such authored books, CD’s, projects, etc. (of course, within the parameters of the 7 Uniting Factors which both parties have to agree on). This is possible through a process of networking through the chain of Associates of the KHT Vision and other available facilities that they offer. As this Network broadens through new Associates joining, the scope will increase exponentially.
- They will have access to the archive of files, reports, and messages of the KHT forum to acquaint themselves with our successes and vision since inception in 2005.
- They will be exposed to opportunities to broaden their activities or find new fields to operate in, to proclaim and promote the Vision of Reconciliation of the 2 Houses of Israel and settlement of the Land of Israel, firstly by Judah, but also, eventually by the returning 10 Tribers.
Active supporters will therefore be subject to approval for this category.
The Kol HaTor strategy is well defined in, and confirmed by, a definition for Peace between striding factions within Judaism, which was offered by Rav Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal: (Eim Habanim Semeicha (EHS) pp. 328, 339, 341, 343, 364-5, 368 ):
“Peace and unity do not consist of the avoidance of conflict alone, and cannot be achieved by the suppression of differences. Rather, unification in true peace is a positive state that presupposes authentic connectedness — affirmative engagement and willingness to encounter others in their fullness — along with concerted efforts at mutual understanding and appreciation (if not validation) of differences in culture, practice and ideology.”
We believe that to these 3 factors should be added “differences in religion”, within the parameters of the KHT Uniting Factors,
If we all strive for this unity, Success must result, with HaShem’s Guidance and Grace.
We are simply asking for your declaration of association with the Kol HaTor Vision and your assistance to promote and publish this Vision as widely a possible.
Become an Associate of Kol HaTor Vision
Please complete the questionnaire and registration formalities at Join us as an Associate.