Israel has experienced months-long public protests against the current government’s attempts to curb the self-appointed autocratic supreme authority that the Supreme Court has usurped in Israel over the last 3 decades. While the public Cry is to protect this authority over the elected government in order to protect democratic Rule in Israel, the protestors seem to be totally blinded to the fact that these supreme rulers of the Court have not been elected by the nation – not one vote. They are self-elected, the top echelon elected by the vote of just 3 Judges! The head, the Attorney General, has the power to fire the elected Prime Minister! So much then for the Cry that “Democracy is threatened by the government in Israel.” |
The flood of Israeli citizens and businesses now seeking alternative domicile could well be the fulfillment of the Biblical statement that “The Land will spew out those who are unfit for HaShem’s Requirements?” This protesting masse is notoriously from the Left, the Secular section of the nation, backing a self-appointed authority that has repeatedly, over the last few decades, blocked the extension of the Land of Israel to its original borders. For an authoritative legal overview of this autocratic Rule, see this video: https://youtu.be/2LFlVFHrZ6g |
This week’s Parashat Shoftim (Click to read the news article and commentary) deals with the topic of Rule in the Land of Israel. It comes at this Time of the year as we are counting down to Rosh HaShanah – the Biblical designated Time for the Coming of the Ruler “on the Throne of David.” It also comes at the opportune Time, which is now developing amongst non-Jewish Torah-restoring Bible believers across the World. While these Restorers are finding their original Hebrew Roots (as prophesied extensively in the Hebrew Scriptures for the ‘End Times’), this Parashah also holds the Key Answer to the quest for the Way Forward for these souls. Three millennia of their exile amongst the Jew and Torah-hating nations have turned them against returning to their original status of co-existence with the Judicial Arm appointed by God, i.e. the House of Judah (the Jews). Chapter 17 of our Parashah, from the book of Deuteronomy, leaves no doubts as to who has to lead the Way in this nascent Kingdom of the God of Israel: namely, the House of Judah (Jews). We have not fully emerged yet from the 2750-year Exile of the House of 10-Tribed Israel. It is high Time to identify the Call of God and make use of the Blessed Opportunity for Return and for citizenship of His Coming Kingdom. |
Turn now to the Haftarah for this week (Isaiah 51) and consider the stirring, compassionate Call from Him Who sent your forefathers into Exile amongst the Nations. The same heart rendering Plea which underlies Jeremiah ch. 8 when He rejected His stubborn people. |
May these messages assist in promoting the Unity to advance and proceed to the Final Redemption (Geulah} – the Time Period of which it seems that we are now entering towards the end of this 6th Millennium – the Time of Trouble, birth |
pangs of the Shabbat Millennium with all its Blessings … |
Wishing you HaShem’s richest Blessings! |
Co-founder, KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel. |
Parashat Shoftim (Judges) |
NOTE – To see the Hebrew text, ensure that you select the Hebrew version option on the Mechon Mamre Web Pages |
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May these studies inspire us to become the Kidushim (Holy ones, righteous ones) to receive the Eternal Gift of ruling with the God of Israel, as His Living Tabernacle – to possess the Kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever. |