At the foot of this article, you will find an Audio-visual Review of the book authored by Rabbi Avraham Feld & OvadYah Avrahami.
This book reveals the ‘hidden Secrets of Judaism’s invincibility as the ‘People of God’ – the Guardians of His Torah which formulates the Guidelines for Abundant Life. The discovery of these hidden Torah seeds in the New Testament by many readers and students has been the igniting spark to create an unprecedented recent phenomenon in the World of a landslide Move toward Torah Restoration by non-Jews. This has become known as the “Hebrew Roots (or Hebraic Roots) Restoration Movement.”
The authors, one being an orthodox Rabbi, the other a Torah restorer ex the Church himself, review these vibrant, spiritual life-giving formulas from the written Text of the New Testament. The book provides comprehensive information also from the Bible itself and from the Writings of Jewish Sages throughout the Ages about this greatest of events for the End Times, preceding the Final Redemption and the establishment of the Universal Kingdom of God.
The main feature of this unique publication is the identifying of this Torah Restoration Movement as the hidden Message for the End Times (Daniel 12:4), of the re-identifying of the remnants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. These Tribes were prophetically destined to rediscover their ancient Hebrew identity at the End of this Dispensation, i.e. the 6th millennium (the “6th day of Creation) preceding the New World Kingdom Era. destined for the 7th (Shabbat) millennium.
These eternal Torah Truths lay hidden for centuries awaiting the Time that we are now living in (which commentators of all Bible-based faiths generally agree are ‘End Times’). Its discovery by seriously seeking Bible students made these discoverers unfit for ‘the Church’ for whom the New Testament was meant. It drove them (as it drives more and more every day) to the obstacle-ridden fulfillment of ‘an impossible dream’: i.e. The Return to the Promised Land of the Bible – the Land of the People of the G-d of Israel.
The front Cover of the book depicts the divinely promised Goal of an expanded land mass; while the contents of this publication reveal the underlying foundational concepts of Torah, acting as the spiritual driving force or generator of “the Kingdom of Heaven” of the New Testament – A Kingdom which will be founded on the Torah, from which the One True G-d of Israel will rule over the Nations in a New World dispensation – a restored and re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom, gathered from amongst the nations where they have been exiled for nearly 3000 years to date. The ingathering of these exiles will be founded on, and result in the spiritual purification and perfecting by God of these to Torah returning souls to serve as “His Light unto the Nations” – a Body of People serving as The Tabernacle in which He will live amongst His People, ruling in His Eternal Kingdom.
The authors recount the amazing current world-wide phenomenon amongst millions of people for whom the urge to “Return to Torah and to the Land” has become a priority of life. This timely publication reviews the Prophetic directives, obstacles and ultimate Divine fulfillment of establishing the Re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of “Greater Israel”.
All this, according to Divine Intent and Biblical Prophecy as received by Jewish Sages throughout the ages.
CLICK HERE to order your copy.
CLICK HERE to order your copy.

Read more about the Founders of Kol HaTor:
* Rabbi Avraham Feld
* OvadYah
* Board Leadership and Associates
July 16, 2018 @ 3:10 pm
Good day,
We refer to your generous offer on the COI General Forum Whatsapp group with regards to the pdf version of Jewish Secrets Hidden in The New Testament.
We would appreciate a copy very much, thank you as we are also South African.
March 6, 2020 @ 7:56 pm
Is there a whats app group ? How can I become a member of this group ?
March 11, 2020 @ 5:18 pm
We do not have a WhatsApp Group. But there is a Face Book Page which offers information, comments and discussion opportunities. There are so many facilities that we should offer and which we intend to offer but we need financial support in order to facilitate admin staff.
April 1, 2020 @ 3:41 am
“Prophetically destined”
It’s both grace and blessing for today’sworld for having people who dedicated their lives for the attainment of this prophecy.
April 19, 2020 @ 9:26 pm
Moje izvorno Surname je CAESARE.
Poznam liniju obitelji 300 godina unazad.
Komunisti u ex Yugoslavia promjenili su Surname Family u CESAR.
Usmena predaja djedova i baka govori da potječemo od Židova i da su davni preci iz Smirna(204.AC) na Sicilia i onda u Rim….Genova….Udine….and Austro-Ugarian.
Živim u Republika Hrvatska.
Podržavam vaš Projekt 10 plemena!
Slušamo Hebrew Salmos/Tehilim youtube ali mi smo Baptizo kršteni.
Čekamo da se pojavi Meshiach Jshva!
Dali imamo udjela u 10 plemena?
April 22, 2020 @ 12:22 am
I ordered the book, read it in a week, and have read through it twice and have shared quite a bit from the book with others. It is a very good book. Highly recommended.
April 24, 2020 @ 12:18 pm
Sounds great! Thank you!
Please consider to give us a review here too:
Thanks 🙂