This week’s Parashat Mattot deals with the Entry into the Land after the 40 years that the Israelites were sent back into the Wilderness at the Time of the Exodus from Egypt. HaShem found them spiritually unworthy and not ready to enter the Land. They had to prepare themselves through this Wilderness experience. And now, after the 40 years, two of the 12 Tribes still were not ready for Entry, due to their materialistic urges. (Ref. Video commentary on Parashat Mattot by Rabbi Richman further down here below). |
Much the same applies today to the re-awakening souls from around the World who have been estranged from their Homeland for millennia. Being now called out, as Promised by God, from their exile amongst the Gentile nations, they are not ready to re-enter the Promised Land and have to prepare themselves in the spiritual Wilderness for the right to enter the Land. Our Parashah this week holds great guidelines for serious introspection to measure themselves by. Many Torah-restoring souls, especially New Testament believers, may take exception to this statement being fully convinced that they do not need such correction. They should take note of the Message in this week’s Haftarah (sourced in the Prophetic books of the Tanach) from Jeremiah’s warning to the House of Judah in the Time of the destruction of the Temple in 586 BCE. They also thought that they were compliant – yet God rejected them, allowed the destruction of the Temple, exiled them to Babilon for 70 years, and removed His Presence (Shechinah) from Jerusalem and the Land of Israel. |
The Haftarah (from the Prophetic section of Tanach) is from Jer. Ch 1 – 3. This contains the fearsome warnings given by Jeremiah around the time of the destruction of the 1st Temple in Jerusalem. He warned the House of Judah about their failure to observe Torah and the risk of exile – which came after the Fall of the Temple. The Creator was greatly dissatisfied with His People. Bear in mind, that by Jdremiah’s time, it had already two centuries earlier entailed, on the side of the House of 10-Israel, a Divorce of His People by God (Jer. 3:8). Jeremiah’s Warning now was about God giving up on the house of Judah also. |
These curses of exile were all about non-compliance with God’s Will – as defined in the Torah, and as proclaimed by the House of Judah according to a Divine Mandate (READ – Judah the Lawgiver – the Mechoqeck). It entails, on the one side, a Divorce with the House of 10-Israel – thus, total rejection and cut-off from the Covenant. Yet, the same chapter 3 of Jeremiah includes a Plea by HaShem for the Divorcee to Return. Would such a Return now be devoid of the Bridegroom’s expectation of Torah observance should such a Return occur – as Christians insist to claim? |
This is where re-awakening Ephraim (returning 10-Tribers and Lost Jews) should learn from this week’s Readings. They are in the Wilderness, exited from spiritual Egypt. They are there to reconsider and find the Password to Return to the Promised Land as HaShem’s Nation, and this Password is ‘Torah subjection.’ |
And covenanted Judah who has greatly returned to the Land since 1948, should take a serious warning, as their forefathers had to do in the Time of Jeremiah, whether they comply. |
May these messages assist in promoting the Unity to advance and proceed to the Final Redemption (Geulah} – the Time Period of which it seems that we are now entering towards the end of this 6th Millennium – the Time of Trouble, birth pangs of the Shabbat Millennium with all its Blessings … |
Wishing you HaShem’s richest Blessings! |
Co-founder, KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel. |
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May these studies inspire us to become the Kidushim (Holy ones, righteous ones) to receive the Eternal Gift of ruling with the God of Israel, as His Living Tabernacle – to possess the Kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever. |