Commentaries and Articles
Commentaries and Articles
The following articles present interesting information about
- the split of the nation of Israel into two opposing factions,
- the resultant exile and their whereabouts and influence,
- their Return to the Land of Israel,
- their Reconciliation of the two divided Houses of Israel,
- Re-Identification and complications and
- matters relating thereto
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- 1. Bereisheet
- 1.1. Bereisheet
- 1.10. Mikeitz
- 1.11. Va'yigash
- 1.12. Va'yechi
- 1.2. Noach
- 1.3. Lech Lecha
- 1.4. Va’yerah
- 1.5. Chayei Sarah
- 1.6. Toldot
- 1.7. Va'yetzey
- 1.8. Va'yishlach
- 1.9. Va'yeshev
- 10-Israel Source
- 2. Shemot
- 2.1. Shemot
- 2.10. Va'yakhel
- 2.11. Pekudei
- 2.2. Va'eirah
- 2.3. Boh
- 2.4. B'Shalach
- 2.5. Yithro
- 2.6. Mishpatim
- 2.7. Terumah
- 2.8. Tetzaveh
- 2.9. Ki Tisa
- 3. Va'yikrah
- 3.1. Va'yikrah
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- 3.5. Metzorah
- 3.6. Acharei
- 3.7. Kedoshim
- 3.8. Emor
- 3.9. Behar
- 4. Bamidbar
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- 4.3. Behaalotecha
- 4.4. Shelach
- 4.5. Korach
- 4.6. Chukat
- 4.7. Balak
- 4.8. Pinchas
- 4.9. Matot
- 5. Devarim
- 5.1. Devarim
- 5.10. Ha'azinu
- 5.11. Vezot Habracha
- 5.2. Va'etchanan
- 5.3. Eikev
- 5.4. Re'eh
- 5.5. Shoftim
- 5.6. Ki Teitzei
- 5.7. Ki Tavo
- 5.8. Netzavim
- 5.9. Vayelech
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God needs YOU!
Prose Poem by OvadYah Avrahami – Proposing a Scriptural answer to the popular objection that God, in His Divine eminence, does NOT need man. Does God need man to achieve His Purpose? Or will He do it all by Himself? Does God need YOU? – or are you just another spec in the greater picture […]

“The Servant of G-d” – Who is this?
The true interpretation of ‘The Servant of G-d’
holds a bold Reawakening Message for
both Judaism and Christianity.
The Divine Clues given in the Scriptures
take on renewed meaning in the light of
the current World wide Phenomenon
of a historic first, Torah Revolution amongst non-Jews.
It holds exuberant implications for
the approaching End-Time Geulah.

Confirmation of the Regathering from the Apocrypha
Apocrypha (from the Greek word ἀπόκρυφα, meaning “those having been hidden away” are texts of uncertain authenticity or writings where the authorship is questioned. In Judeo-Christian theology the term apocrypha refers to any collection of scriptural texts that falls outside the canon. Given that different denominations have different ideas about what constitutes canonical scripture, there […]

A Nation born in “A Day”
The Declaration of the State of Israel on 14th May, 1948 saw the fulfillment of this Prophecy. The Rebirth of Israel as a Homeland for the Jews in exile around the world, would be the forerunner for the eventual fulfillment of the Biblically foretold establishment of the Reunited 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel. One Day […]

Tracing the Lost 10 Tribes and preparing for their Return
Torah and Tanach prophecies are clear and emphatic that the Ten Tribes will “Return” to their ancient Heritage. Jewish Sages throughout the ages have interpreted these Prophecies to indicate a Return, both to Torah observance and to the physical Land of Israel – the Land of their Fathers. This process is referred to as “the […]

The Return of The Shechina of G-d
Parshat Vayigash It is commonly accepted in Judaism (and the Sages of antiquity wrote much about it), that the Bible Story of Joseph in the Sedrah of Parashat Vayigash Gen. 44:18-47:27) refers to the exile of the 10 Tribes of Israel and the eventual reuniting of the family of Jacob (12 sons) after they discover […]

Demographic Solution for Israel
CONTENTS Hidden and forgotten Bible Solution The solution that Judah can NOT solve from its own ranks Restoration of the Fallen Tabernacle of David vs Gog Magog Risk that the Solution poses Who is the Nation of Israel in the Final Redemption? Vitally Part of the Solution Divine Promise of Restoration – Key to the […]

Pesach – the 2nd Exodus Ingathering of the Tribes of Israel
The new wave of awareness of late, of the Return, Reconciliation and Establishment of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of G-d is opening many windows for contemplation. While the entire phenomenon unfolds, its confirmation is reliant on the ancient pillars of the Tanach and the foresight and writings of the Jewish Sages on these Prophetic issues. […]

Bible concept of the Importance of the physical Land of Israel for the Return
In recent correspondence received, a Ten Triber claimed that it is a grave error to encourage reawakening Ten Tribers to make living in the Land of Israel a priority for them. WHY? Because, according to this the New Testament (NT) tells everyone to flee the Land. Accordingly the land is to be rejected “until the […]

Torah & Jewish Halacha on Conversion and treatment of Converts
“You shall love the convert.” (Deuteronomy 10:19). “You must understand the feelings of the convert.” (Exodus 23:9). “When a proselyte comes to be converted, one receives him with an open hand so as to bring him under the wings of the Divine Presence.” (Leviticus Rabbah 2:9). “Dearer to G-d than all of the Israelites […]
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This book reveals the ‘hidden Secrets of Judaism’s invincibility’. These vibrant, spiritual life-giving formulas have been uncovered from the New Testament…
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