The following statement will surely meet with great astonishment and denunciation by Bible believers of both Judaism and Christianity because it casts a dark cloud over their favorite though much-contested topic of “The Messiah”. The Truth in the matter, however, is as close as anyone wishes to do some fact-finding. The underlying reality in this regard is that Scripture is clear, that great enlightenment in the Word of HaShem is awaiting us at the ‘End Time’, which all informed Bible commentators from various Faiths agree we have now reached. |
Daniel 12:4 – at the end of Daniel’s prophetic book regarding the Final Redemption: “But thou, Oh Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the End; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.’ |
Dan. 12:9, “Go thy way, Daniel; for the words are shut up and sealed till the time of the end.”
The Statement that staggers both Judaism and Christianity |
The religious topic, more than any other, that makes these two Faiths irreconcilable, is that of “The Messiah”. Yet, the original Hebrew Scriptures, which developed from the teachings and the writings of the ancient Hebrew Prophets, hardly ever use this specific term “Mashiach” for the illustrious though mysterious Being that the Scriptures do hint at, to come on the World Stage to rule over the nations from Zion, Jerusalem! “ The wotd “Mashiach” (anointed) is indeed used in Scripture. It appears 39 times, and it is always used for normal people – priests, kings, even for the Gentile, pagsn King Cyrus. These individuals were specially anointed for their cause and to dedicate them to the service of God. But the term ‘Mashiach’ is never used in any of the Scriptures that theologians generally claim, to refer to such a Messianic Ruler. (Click on this link for the full video study by Rabbi Skobac). |
The term “Mashiach” has originally been selected and applied by Jewish Sages for the mysterious but divinely elected future Ruling King that Scripture hints at, who is to to come in the footsteps of King David, to rule over the Nations in the coming Utopian Universal Kingdom of God. This all according to the Oral Interpretations of Scripture by these Jewish Sages – then it became eagerly adopted by Christianity to apply to their New Testament Main Personage. |
The question then, that remains, is WHO and what is this mysterious Ruler who is never identified in Scripture by name or specific identity – neither by the title “Mashiach” that man has appointed to him. |
Do you dispute or doubt this statement? Then simply check out the following two confirmative sources: |
– In any Bible concordance, cheek the use of the word ‘Mashiach’ and see if it ever is applied to such a ruling Power that mankind has come to call “Messiah”. |
Latest Discoveries from the Wrings of the Gaon of Vilna – KOL HATOR |
The Gaon of Vilna is a Jewish Sage from the 18th century, the most predominant expositor of the topic of the mysterious concept of Mashiach ben Yosef. Judaism has much to teach about the Mashiach ben David, the One expected by Judaism to rule in the footsteps of King David. But very scarce details are provided in the abundance of writings of the Jewish Sages for Mashiach ben Yosef, |
Our latest research into the Gaon’s writings (after which we have named our Promotional Vision of the Regathering of the exiles – especially the Lost House of 10-Israel, and their Reconciliation with the House of Judah Judaism, 2 Tribes), have been astoundingly revealing. It provided staggering confirmation of the conclusions that we have arrived at ourselves over the last few months, regarding “The Mashiach” – that mysterious Figure referred to in the introduction here above. In short: If the Gaon is correct about the Divine Mandate of the Mashiach ben Yosef, then there awaits a rude awakening for both Judaism and Christianity about where this Mashiach then is in the Light of the staggering confirmations and Insights provided by the Gaon, from the Scriptures, about this Mashiach. |
If correct – and it no doubt is, as proven by virtual developments in the World which clearly point to the Coming End Time Final Redemption! – then both religions have been totally off-beam with their contending interpretations, declarations, and beliefs of “A Mashiach!” |
This is not a splash-on-the-wall, one-time topic. It has taken mankind 6000 years to reach this End Time Concluding Era in the Design of the Creator – as analyzed by the Gaon in his review of the Purpose and Divine Intent with “Mashiach ben Yosef’ (MbY). The Gaon, in a highly detailed analysis of what he refers to as Scriptural ‘hints’, points out that MbY is destined to be the Main Stay and Progenitor of the Kingdom of God, especially in its initial ‘birth’ or formation stages. |
But where is He? If we are that far advanced already toward the Final Redemption? |
According to the Gaon’s teachings, He must be here already – but, obviously, not in the shape of what mankind has envisioned about Him! |
This may well not be what the Gaon intended to teach – but this is what it amounts to in the Light of the current advanced stages that the Restoration of Israel has already reached. We refer to the following imminent signs of the erecting of the Coming Kingdom of the Creator: |
- the Rebirth of Modern Israel on its ancient foundations;
- the Ingathering of the Exiles of Judah from across the World to Israel;
- the recent and continually evolving Awakening of ‘Ephraim’ amongst the nations across the World, to their Hebraic Torah Roots;
These are all signs which never existed before and which indisputably point to the Restoration of Israel, which according to the Gaon, falls under the sole designation and Mandate of the Mashiach ben Yosef! |
We will deal with this over several chapters in the coming weeks. We will start off with the Gaon’s defining of the Mandate and involvement of MbY. Next, we will study the claims by the Gaon for being the Divinely sent ‘Light of MbY.’ After studying various identifications of MbY, we will then contemplate on Who, what, and where the real MbY is – a concept totally different from what Christianity and Judah have proclaimed. |
Revelations on “The Mashiach ben Yosef”
– from the Writings of the Gaon of Vilna – #1
The Divine Mandate of Mashiach ben Yosef (MbY)
For a review of 14 identifying features of the Messiah ben Yosef, refer to this article: |
From these pointers, you will be able to establish whether your concept or the concepts proclaimed by Christianity and Judaism about “The Messiah” meet the Scriptural criteria or not. |
Discover the awesome hidden Answer to this Mystery of the Ages. |
The alert reader would have noticed several other identifiers of “MbY” in the above quotes– away from a specific individual Personage as Christianity and Judaism holds. After studying various identifications of MbY, we will then contemplate on Who, what, and where the real MbY is – a concept totally different from what Christianity and Ju dah have proclaimed. |
May these messages assist in promoting the Unity to advance and proceed to the Final Redemption (Geulah} – the Time Period of which it seems that we are now entering towards the end of this 6th Millennium – the Time of Trouble, birth pangs of the Shabbat Millennium with all its Blessings … |
Wishing you HaShem’s richest Blessings! |
Co-founder, KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel |
This Week’s Parashah:
Parashat Chayei Sarah (‘The life of Sarah’). |
NOTE – To see the Hebrew text, ensure that you select the Hebrew version option on the Mechon Mamre Web Pages |
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– A Feast of inspiring and revealing studies from our previous years’ archive! |
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May these studies inspire us to become the Kidushim (Holy ones, righteous ones) to receive the Eternal Gift of ruling with the God of Israel, as His Living Tabernacle – to possess the Kingdom forever, even forever and ever. |