Kol HaTor means: Voice (Kol) of the (Ha) turtle dove (Tor)
We have named our Project after this phrase which forms the Title of a book which re-views the teachings of the great Jewish Sage, the Gaon of Vilna (1740).
This book presents detailed answers on when and under what circumstances the Messiah will come. Judaism holds the concept of two Messiahs:
- Messiah ben Yosef, who will die, and
- Messiah ben David, the King Ruler of the Messianic Kingdom.
This entire detailed book by this scholar, reviews what the Gaon calls the 999 Footsteps of Messiah ben Yosef, i.e. ‘hints’ in the Torah about His Purpose and share in the Redemption. The Gaon sees two Redemptions, the first entailing the conquest of the Land of Israel, the ingathering of the exiles, the building of Jerusalem and the cultivating of the Land. This falls under the Divine Assignment of Messiah ben Yosef.
The 2nd Redemption, during the Time of Messiah ben David, the ruling King.
The Gaon highlights 156 characteristics, aspects, appellations and attributes of Messiah ben Yosef to serve as guidelines to recognize the first Redemption and to assist with the Ingathering of the exiles of Israel, which is the Divine Mandate solely of Messiah ben Yosef, i.e. ingathering, building of the Land and Jerusalem in order that the Shechina Presence of G-d should return.
One of the 156 aspects, entails the phrase: “Voice of the Turtledove” – Song of Songs 2:12:
“The buds were seen in the Land; the Songbird’s time had arrived and the Voice of the Turtle Dove is heard in our Land.”
This book explains it as follows under chapter 2 “Vizualize Zion, the Ciy of our designated Time” – Attribute # 38, and I quote:
“This refers to designated missions, designated times and designated people. The buds are the designated missions, i.e. the footstep of the Messiah. The songbird’s time has arrived: these are the designated times, that is, the ends and the times of remembrance. The voice of the Songbird is heard, that is, the designated people, the special messengers. All of these are included in the Mission of the first Messiah. The Voice of the Trutle Dove is the sound that precedes the turtle dove. The Turtle dove is Moshe Rabbeinu who comes with Messiah ben David, the Final Redeemer.”
This amazing book detailing the in-depth insights of the Gaon into the Ingathering of the Tribes, also then confirms, 250 years ahead of time, what we see happening around us in these exciting Prophetical Times.
We truly believe, that our Kol HaTor project, to which we have been so miraculously gathered, follows in the true spirit of the Gaon’s visions and guidance for bringing the two divided Houses of Israel together by promoting Peace between them.
Copies of this book “The Voice of the Turtle Dove” can be ordered here.