Guidelines for Reconciliation
Guidelines for Reconciliation
Guidelines for Judah
A heart-rendering plea to Judah for acceptance, by a re-identifying 10-Triber
Guidelines for 10-Israel
10-Israel’s mis-comprehention of Rabbinical interpretation of the Torah flourishes on the lack of understanding and an unwillingness to investigate the wisdom of Oral Interpretation of Torah
Oral Torah vs. Replacement Theology
10-Israel need to realize their historic short comings and how to rectify it
Outline for successful Reconciliation
Proselytizing and evangelizing of Jews is the one great obstacle in the way of peaceful reconciliation between Judah and 10-Israel Messianism
Proselytizing & Evangelizing of Jews – the Greatest Obstacle to Reconciliation
Guidelines for Both Houses
How, indeed, do a people comprised of various tribes, each with its own character, temperament, talents and vocation, achieve union as ‘one nation’?
Adversaries of the Redemption
The re-awakening 10 tribers in following the Karaite teachings against the Rabbis and Oral Torah are eternalizing the rebellion of ancient 10-Israel for which they were cut off from the Covenant and exiled amongst the nations
The Karaites – their origin and teachings obstructing the Redemption of Israel
Understanding the evolutionary Reconciliation Process
Historic Evolution of the Redemption of Israel
The Blessing of Avraham
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This book reveals the ‘hidden Secrets of Judaism’s invincibility’. These vibrant, spiritual life-giving formulas have been uncovered from the New Testament…
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