Welcome to our Blog for New confirmations from Scripture
As more and more pieces are found in Scripture of the Great Puzzle of the End Time Events which are now in
process and which are leading to the Final Redemption, the Ultimate Truth now revealing itself seems to protrude faster and faster. Such revealing knowledge has been promised by the Prophet Daniel:
Daniel 12:4 “But as for you, Daniel, keep these words secret and seal the book until the time of the End. Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will increase.”
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Our latest Blog-Entries

Divine Awakening Call in Corona Plague’s’ ‘Personal Distancing’
Does this Parashah hold a hidden Message and Caring Directive from HaShem to all mankind including the Jewish Religion contained in the ‘Personal Distancing’ which the Corona Plague has forced onto all Mankind?

Royal Marriage of all Time!
The festive Period of Succot depicts the Great Marriage Celebration of HaShem with His restored Bride – the re-united and restored Israel. This Marriage promises to perfect the Marriage which was initiated at Sinai with His 12-Tribed Kingdom Nation. The first Marriage fell on the rocks, resulting in His Divorce from the 10-Tribed House of Israel and the exile for more than 2000 years of both Houses of Israel. It also caused the departure of the Shechinah (Presence) of HaShem from His People and Land. This week’s Parashah Ki Teitzei (‘When you go forth’) which deals with the Torah law restrictions on Divorce – that devastating breakup of the Sacred Marriage – raises some awesome considerations about the Coming Marriage. This Renewed Marriage has to bridge this Divorce and the way in which HaShem will do it places an awesome yet demanding opportunity before His professing followers.

Amazing End Time Scenario Taking shape: Peace between Israel and Arabs!
The past week has heralded the Peace announcements between Israel and its former Arab enemy, Saudi Arabia and more such Peace deals are on the cards already. This is another barrier which is falling to make way for the Final Redemption (Geulah). Together with the exciting signs of the progress in the Return of the Lost House of 10-Israel, it serves as confirmation of the approaching Geulah. Read a Rabbinic commentary on this week’s Haftarah of Softim about the Joy of the dawning Redemption which now should replace the mourning for the unbeatable burdens of the past history of Israel…

See and understand the Unfolding of the End Time Climax of the Ages
Why did this question go viral in a recent Facebook-Posting:
“YOU ARE A Jew? What would you do if you realized that HaShem wants the Jews to accept millions of LOST Ten Tribers back into the Land?”

Chesed (Love) – the Foundation of Final Redemption
While human interpretation of the Future and of Biblical Prophecy is bound to failure, there are indeed glaring indisputable historic and actual trends that confirm Biblical Predictions and which should serve as indicators to the Future. Most importantly, the broad outlines of these trends confirm the existence of the Creator God Who is true to His Word and Promises.
Our Parashat commentary this week emphasizes a great comforting Torah confirmation of the awesome potential that the concluding End Time Final Redemption Event holds not only for His Elect Nation (the major portion of whom are still in exile and even ignorant of their True Identity as remnants of ancient Israel) but for all mankind who choose to consider.

The Way Forward … After Destruction, Redemption!
Rabbi Benjamin Blech in an article that we feature here below, finds great encouragement between “The Tragedy of Tisha B’av and the Redemption of Pesach” (15 Nissan). Victory, jubilation and eternal Joy follows the 6000 years of eventful and often tragic human history on this planet. Can this be why a few days after Tishah B’Av, on the 15th of Av, there is a much hidden Day of celebration. Indeed, the 15th of Av cannot but be a mystery. it is the festival of the future Redemption, and thus a day whose essence, by definition, is unknowable to our unredeemed selves. And the Talmud considers this the greatest festival of the year, with Yom Kippur (!) a close second!”
READ MORE about this mysterious Day and Rabbi Blech’s inspiring extraction of “The Tragedy of Tisha B’av and the Redemption of Pesach”

It’s all about Return to the Land
Why is it that the Greatest Gift of the Creator to his people of a bountiful Land is not that popularly accepted and rather popularly rejected by both Jews and re-identifying Lost Ten Tribers or re-awakening Ephraimites?

Will the Message of Corona be recognized?
Israel has been one of the foremost leading countries in fighting the Corona plague successfully. The first lockdown was released prematurely and somewhat hurriedly. Within weeks the pandemic turned around showing its scary reality and we now face far higher numbers of infections. So, the lockdown and the infection is back with a vengeance. Can it be that the eventual fall out of Corona and the financial after effects will turn so horrid that a masse universal Repentance and recognition of the Creator God of Israel will be called on for Help? The foundations of Judaism have been shaken over the last few weeks through internet onslaughts against Talmudic Judaism which went viral here in Israel.

From the distraught of 3 week’s Mourning to the Glorious Culmination of All
The 3 weeks from 17 Tammuz to 9th Av commemorate the end of the existence of Israel’s Holy Temples, and the last days before the resultant exile. It will culminate in the 9th of Av (Tisha b’Av) the day on which, centuries apart, the two Temples were destroyed in Jerusalem.
Let us though concentrate and nurture the spiritual upliftment underlying this tragic period in Israel’s history. In the process we will discover the link between this tragic period and the glorious culmination of all in the 7th month Feasts, which will see the Remarriage of HaShem with His Divorced Bride, the House of 10-Israel now returned from exile and reconciled with Judah in the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of the God of Israel and the establishment of His Universal Kingdom ruling from Jerusalem.

Encouragement to pursue the Ultimate
Notwithstanding all this positive (often disturbing) indicators of Reality about the fast evolving formation of the required Reawakening towards the Final Redemption , we sure need encouragement in these days when the World as we know it and have experienced it, seems to be cracking up all around us – like an earthquake, reshaping a continent.
We find such encouragement in a Scripture from this week’s Parashat Balaq:
“He (HaShem) does not look at evil in Jacob, and sees no perversity in Israel: G d, their G d, is with them.” (Num. 23:21)
Wow! Can thus be true?
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This book reveals the ‘hidden Secrets of Judaism’s invincibility’. These vibrant, spiritual life-giving formulas have been uncovered from the New Testament…
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