Comprehensive Studies on “The Restoration of Israel”
The Wonder underlying the Bible is that it requires a never-ending Library to feature the deeper unknown realities behind its numerous Topics. In this instance, we require a comprehensive Library on just One special Topic: The End-Time Restoration of the anciently founded 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel. The fact that this Topic entails the salient Highlight of all the other Bible Topics, the very Purpose and Goal of Life; the earth shaking Final Scenario in history leading up to the Return of the Presence of the Creator God Himself, amongst His People, to rule over the World, makes this a most important Library. As such it serves as an advanced tool for well informed Bible students of ALL Bible based faiths, to fine tune, maximize and ensure their final compliance with and for the Greater Purpose of the Creator for mankind.
If it is according to the Word of God, then it must be Truth. You read and decide – then share as widely as possible.
Library Sections
UNDER CONSTRUCTION – As we trace and catagorize numerous articles and studies hidden on this Web Site
Each Section features a List of Studies on that Topic:
The Visible Presence of God
The Coming New World Order - Universal Kingdom of God
The Second Exodus - to the Final Redemption (Geulah)
What and Who is the Mashiach (Messiah)?
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