Blog – 31 May, 2019
In our Blog last week we provided Rabbinic confirmation that HaShem indeed did divorce the ‘House of Israel’ (which is defined in Scripture as the Northern 10-Tribed Kingdom). This sector was torn away by God from King Solomon who ruled over a vast, prosperous International Empire. Solomon was left with one sector only to continue the Kingdom of HaShem – the Tribe of Judah and Benjamin. (1 KI. 12:20; 2 KI. 17:18).
The House of 10-Israel was cast into exile from the Land of Israel, with the Promise of total loss of their Hebraic identity amongst the nations.
The House of Judah, even though also exiled from the Land in later centuries, was NEVER divorced by HaShem and retained the continuation of their Divine Mandate as ‘Guardians of His Torah’ and for the continuation of His Eternal Promise before the nations regarding the Davidic Throne and Universal Rule to come (ref. Ezek. 20 – entire chapter).
In the next few discussions we intend to find the answer to “How HaShem could possibly fulfil His Promise of taking this Harlot Bride 10-Israel back by restoring her as His Bride – which, once divorced, is forbidden by His Torah.”
He will take her back
We first have to establish whether indeed HaShem does intend taking her back. Such a Return would require several awesome Miracles:
- this rejected Bride was destined to lose her Israel identity entirely and having been ‘lost’ amongst the nations for more than 2700 years now, this would require re-identification; discovering of her Hebraic Roots.
- Her actual Return from exile to the Land of Israel will have to take place. In fact, Prophetic Scriptures, as its Main Theme, define such a Return which equates a “Second Exodus” (Jer. 23:8).
Question is: HaShem divorced her, Does He intend taking her back?
Apart from several distinct Promises to this effect, the entire Theme of Prophecy which is based on and fulfils the Divine Purpose of HaShem, describes such a Return.
For a comprehensive extract of some 100 sections of this Prophetic theme, refer to: Bible Confirmations of the Return of the Tribes of Israel
Consider also the following explicit Divine Statements which cannot possibly be fulfilled without such a miraculous re-identification, Return and acceptance by her former Husband:
Daniel 7:27 “And sovereignty and kingship, and the splendours of all the kingdoms under heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High. His sovereignty is an eternal sovereignty and every empire will serve and obey Him.”
Who are these ‘saints’? The Hebrew word used here is ‘Kedoshim’ – holy ones or righteous ones. This is defined in:
Exod. 19:3-6. At Mt Sinai, on the Day of Shavuot (Pentecost) at the receiving of the Law which serves as foundation of the Covenant which HaShem made with the Israelites (12 Tribes), HaShem said to Moses: “Say this to the House of Jacob, declare this unto the sons of Israel: ‘… if you obey My Voice and hold fast to My Covenant, you of all the nations will be My very Own, for all the earth is Mine. I will count you a kingdom of Priests, a consecrated People “
The Covenant makes of 12-Tribed Israel, God’s ‘Sacred Possession’ – a Holy or Sacred people (Refer also Isa. 4:3; Jer. 2:3; Deut. 7:6).
Zechariah 8:22,23 “Many people and great nations will come to seek HaShem in Jerusalem and to entreat His favour. HaShem Sabaoth says this: In those days ten men of nations of every language will take a Jew by the sleeve and say: ‘We want to go with you, since we have learnt that God is with you.’”
Now please consider the comprehensive record of Scriptures provided here Bible Confirmations of the Return of the Tribes of Israel
The scope of these comprehensive Scriptural confirmations of a restoration and final Reconciliation of His divided Nation has been hidden for Bible students until recently when an awakening has started taking place amongst non-Jewish believers across the world. This re-awakening leads to a Return to Torah principles – a topic which for 2000 years had been vehemently rejected by Christians and non-Jews. Today, we behold nothing less than a Torah Revolution amongst non-Jewish Bible believers worldwide
Can this be the first signs of the Return of the Harlot Bride to her former Husband Whom she had deserted?
Will He accept her back?
Can He receive her back in the face of the restrictions of His Own Torah?
Does He want her back?
How can the Universal Kingdom Promises of a Restored 12-Tribed Kingdom be accomplished without such a Marriage Reconciliation?
Jer. 31:21 “Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take. Return, Virgin Israel, return to your towns. 22 How long will you wander, unfaithful Daughter Israel? The Lord will create a new thing on earth— the woman will return to the man.”
Let us try and establish this awesome Issue one step at a time. This week, here above, there surely is abundant confirmation that the torn Kingdom SHALL be restored.
Your insights and confirmations in this regard will be greatly appreciated. Pease write and share with us.
NEXT – Part 3 – Adultery – the real Cause of the Divorce of 10-Israel
PREVIOUS – Part 1 – Did G-d divorce the House of 10-Israel?
Independent research scholar. He works tirelessly as an activist promoting Israel and settlement of the Land of Israel, and as Webmaster and co-ordinator of Kol HaTor. Read More.