The main theme common to most religions, no doubt, is “Redemption” of one or another nature.
Because this statement will no doubt be challenged, let us confine this conclusion to the area of the two main religions underlying this particular discourse which will receive our main focus. We are referring to Christianity – for which the New Testament forms the foundational Scriptures – and Judaism, which, as the author will point out, is the Faith on the foundations of which the New Testament has built its pillars. For both of these religions, ‘Redemption’ no doubt is the main object.
It is perhaps because of the so common aspect of this concept in each of these two faiths, that ‘Redemption’ has become an almost vague cliché to most adherents.
Because of the foundational importance of this concept, volumes could be written to properly analyze and define it. For our purposes though, we will contend with a to-the-point basic definition.
In Judaism, ‘Redemption’ refers to the ultimate establishment of the Kingdom of Israel by the G-d of Israel, the G-d of Creation. This, fundamentally, requires the physical presence of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The problem is that, of these twelve Tribes, only the Tribe of Judah is identifiable today. Jewish tradition and historical data holds that ‘The House of Judah’ includes the Tribe of Benjamin, Levi as well as some remnants of all the other Tribes. Judah is the banner Tribe, being the majority and having been mandated with leadership as well as judicial guidance of the whole nation.
The Northern Ten Tribes of Israel, referred to in the Bible as the ‘House of Israel’, were exiled two centuries before the destruction of the first Temple in Jerusalem. According to Divine Purpose, they were so effectively mingled with other nations, that they became known as “The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.” Within 10-Israel was Judah ‘in captivity’ and members of the Tribe of Levi. This lost kingdom has subsequently become totally unidentifiable – but, with the Divine Promise, by Oath, that they would be re-identified in the End Time, reconciled and re-united with the House of Judah, and returned to the Land of their mothers and fathers.
The Divine Promise of Restoration of the 12-tribed Kingdom forms the main theme of Redemption in Judaism. From the beginning of Genesis, with Paradise Lost and exile from the Garden of Eden, everything is about Paradise being regained. Underlying this theme of Redemption and conditional for citizenship of this future New Kingdom, is the requirement of embracing the Torah and repentance.
The global phenomenon of non-Jews turning to the Torah and to Jewish religious customs, which has been observed increasingly over especially the last decade, no doubt confirms the fulfillment of the ancient Biblical Prophecies. These Prophecies foresee the awakening of the ‘Lost House of 10-tribed Israel’, to be returned to the Biblical Promised Land, the borders of which will be vast and expansive. To settle these innumerable masses (according to the Divine Promise made to Abraham), would require a vast expanse of territory, the borders of which have been specified in the Bible (refer to the front page Map). This does not preclude the fact that re-identified 10-Israel blocs of nations will emerge across the world.
In Christianity, ‘Redemption’ refers to “the forgiveness of the sins of the individual person upon confession of sins, with the promise of eternal life in angelic surroundings in a heavenly abode, in a heavenly Jerusalem.”
Rather than being side-tracked here by the myriads of variations on the main theme as given above, let us concentrate on the common theme inherent in both versions, i.e. “The Kingdom of G-d”. It should be apparent, that at the outset, there is a main diversion between Judaism and Christianity as to the abode of the Kingdom.
Our research into the Halachic Jewish foundations of the Christian New Testament, as is the intent of this book, will show how solidly the New Testament’s “Gospel of the Kingdom” is founded on the same ancient Jewish teachings about this future Kingdom – though hidden in the New Testament from the faithful followers of the Christian Faith, because of the traditional interpretations of the Church about this Kingdom. We find confirmation for this Jewish foundation and the reprimand against straying from it in the following texts of the New Testament:
Romans 3:2, “… the Jews were entrusted with the whole revelation of G-d.” (NLT – New Living Translation; other translations: the Oracles, the Word, the Teachings of G-d).
Acts 7:38, “ He (Moses) was in the assembly in the wilderness, with the Angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our ancestors; and he received living words to pass on to us.”
Then, in a warning to Messianic followers against apostasy already imminent in those days, Hebrews 5:12 “By now you should be teachers, but you need someone to teach you again the ·first lessons [elementary truths; basic principles] of God’s ·Message [revelation; oracles].” (Extended Bible Version).
1 Peter 4:11, “If any man speaks, let him speak according to the Oracles of God.” (King James 21st century Version).
The Greek words used in the NT for ‘teaching’ and ‘instruction’ actually mean, in that context, the traditional Jewish teachings, i.e. explanations of the Mosaic codes.
Entry to any worldly Kingdom is conditional upon compliance with strict requirements. Every country has its own immigration and naturalization requirements. There are many official requirements to conform with. Failure to comply withholds entry for prospective citizens. Why should this not also apply to entry into the Kingdom of G-d?
It is for this very reason that the contents of this book should come as a serious Call to the millions of sincere souls across the world who, while being so confident that “their papers are all in order,” may discover that they are as wrong about this to the same degree that Christianity and Judaism vary from each other.
Not only are there conditions to comply with, but permanent residence in this Kingdom is secured by Covenant between G-d and prospective citizens. It is the essentials of this Covenant and the hidden and little understood confirmation of these principles by the New Testament, which will be the main topic of our dissertations in the chapters that will follow.
This book will show that it is the very foundations of the Jewish Torah-based Covenant, so covertly hidden in the New Testament, which will have the final say about citizenship of G-d’s Kingdom.
The latest and current phenomenon of millions of sincere non-Jewish Bible students of the New Testament, across the world, who are turning to these tenets of Judaism without being aware of these hidden and misconstrued guidelines of the New Testament, serves as a grandiose confirmation and holds the strongest evidence of there being universal criteria, for citizenship of G-d’s Kingdom.
In this way it confirms the Main Theme of Biblical Prophecy regarding the establishment of the Kingdom of the G-d of Israel.
NOTE – This article is an extract from chapter 1 of the book publication authored by the founders of ‘The KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the 2 divided Houses of Israel’ – entitled “Jewish Secrets Hidden in the New Testament– The Growing Global Torah Revolution.”
Please note that this in no way constitutes a promotion of the New Testament (the foundational Scriptures of Christianity which in general is greatly anti-Jewish and anti-Torah). The purpose of this review is an endeavour to find common ground for advancing the vitally needed reconciliation in the destructively divided Family Nation of the God of Israel.
July 10, 2022 @ 10:22 am
Interesting article in which Jews and Christians can find some common ground.