The Gaon’s Divine Calling
By OvadYah Avrahami
DISCLAIMER – The author is co-founder of the KOL HATOR Vision Promotion through this Web Site. These views are the personal conclusions of the author based on the Written Hebrew Scriptures at our disposal and the Rabbinic sources quoted in the article and elsewhere on this Web Site.
Amplification Note – To fully evaluate this Topic, the reader will gain much-expanded information by clicking on the links in this article (underlined and coloured) as well as following selected items from the wide list of ‘Related Topics’ at the foot of every article on this Web Site.
In this article, we will present quotes from the Gaon’s book, KOL HATOR, how he claims to have been divinely called and mandated to bring the Light of the Mashiach ben Yosef (MbY) to the World in the Final Time slot of the 6th millennium – for a Time of Awakening amongst God’s People. This all, in order to bring about and to complete the Final Redemption (Geulah) and as an interlude to the Establishment of the Universal Kingdom of the Creator, God of Israel, in the 7th. or Shabbat Millennium (currently 2023, 5783 Biblical Time) some 220 years away.
While we, as promotors of this Vision, in our KOL HATOR Web Site, having named our Mission after the Gaon, we certainly do not present this status info of the Gaon of Vilna in an effort to sanctify or even deify him, as followers of leading Sages so often do. We therefore respectfully include a Video Link which presents a Rabbinic commentary on the Gaon’s not-so-admirable opposition to the Chassidim Movement, which was born in this very Time of Awakening – precisely as the Gaon foretold would come. The Gaon, however, condemned rather than praised the birth of the Chassidic Movement in Judaism, across the World, not being aware of the full implications that such change would bring with it. He did not recognize the Change for what it was when it came along, partly thru the Chassidim Movement, and he opposed it heavily – obviously unaware of the real implications which he predicted that this Change for the better would be opposed by Evil Forces (Armelius, Satan).
Ref. to the video ‘The Vilna Gaon and the battle against Hassidism’ by Rabbi Pini Dunner. Enlightening information on the Birth of Chassidism, and, no doubt, it’s part of the Awakening by, as, and in the spirit of MbY (14,30 min on the Video Time Line). What is Chasidism – 15.30 min. on Time Line – and, importantly! – 41 min. on Time Line. The video also presents comprehensive details of the life and achievements of the Gaon (29 min. on the Video Timeline.)
The Gaon’s personal claims
“The Gaon merited being the light of Mashiach ben Yosef, in order to promote the ingathering of the exiles and to reveal the hints in the Torah regarding the footsteps of the Mashiach ben Yosef.” (Kol Hator, Pg 1 last par.)
“All the hints about the beginning of the Redemption and the secrets concerning the footsteps of the Mashiach, until and including the very End, were revealed to the Gaon.” (Kol Hator, Pg 1 last par.).
“As explained in chapters 3 and 4, the Gaon came down from Heaven in order to reveal the hints of the Torah regarding the footsteps of the Mashiach, hinted at in Tsofnat Paneach, and accordingly to instruct us how to act during the period known as the footsteps of the Mashiach (see above section 9 [d], and below Chapter 3). (Kol Hator, 12g, pg. 10).
“While we were standing in darkness on the threshold of the Redemption, at the first sounds of ‘the voice of the turtledove,’ with neither priest nor prophet nor Urim v’Tumim (priest’s breastplate) to teach us the essentials of the road, let alone its details, even minor ones- – then God sent us the light of Mashiach ben Yosef, that is, Rabbi Eliyahu, the Vilna Gaon. The Gaon came down from Heaven to uncover for us the hints in the Torah regarding the footsteps of the Mashiach, and the paths revealed in deed and gematria, as he explained in his writings.” (Kol Hator, ch. 3, par. 1).
“Special help from Heaven is given when gathering in the exiles at the beginning of the Redemption. The task with all its major and minor details – its designated deeds, designated times and designated emissaries’–are hinted at in the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings, as well as in the writings of our Sages, both openly and concealed, according to the holy and wonderful revelations of the Vilna Gaon. The Gaon was sent from Heaven to uncover the hints in the Torah, as the footsteps of the Mashiach approached in the process of the revealed End. No secret was hidden from him.” (Kol Hator, pg. 59. Par.1, 1.)
“According to the Gaon, these are hinted at in gematria. We see that almost all the new interpretations and revelations of the Gaon in his writings on Kabbalah, that amount to thousands, are based on wonderful hints that he uncovered through his holy spirit. Heaven granted him all this so that he would reveal what will occur during the period of the footsteps of the Mashiach.” (Kol Hator, pg. 61, 1st par.)
We do not present these claims by the Gaon of Vilna (regarding his Calling as the revealer of astounding claims about the Mashiach ben Yosef) in an attempt to convince seekers of Truth that he was indeed correct. We believe and have been convinced ourselves that he must have been correct, by the virtual evidence that abounds in the World today: of a Phenomenon with signs bursting out all over, that the Hebrew Scriptures must be true about Israel, the covenanted People of the Creator – and that professing followers of the Creator need to resolve a 2750-year venomous national Family Feud between them. The astounding revelations by the Gaon regarding the hidden Biblical identifications of the Messiah ben Yoseph holds the powerful solution to this Reconciliation, viz. the need for both these striding sides (Judaism and Christianity) to awaken to the fact that they had it all wrong about their claims and expectations of “A Mashiach”. They in fact, had constructed a Stumbling Block rather than a Solution to the creation of the Final Malchut HaShem (Universal Kingdom of God).
Coming from such a prominent Torah scholar as the Gaon of Vilna, his insights and guidelines serve as a sound confirmation – especially coming from an orthodox Torah Scholar – that both popular Jewish and Christian interpretation of a Personal Messiah, is grossly in error. We comprehensively show in our other Reviews on the Gaon’s Insights on the Mashiach ben Yosef, that the Gaon, from a strictly orthodox Judaism platform, proclaims and reinstalls the Biblical proclamation of a ‘Messiah’ consisting of a Group Body of divinely elected and inspired followers of God’s Will and Guidance, rather than a specific single Personage. This Group Body has been in process of Divine Formulation since the 18th century, much beyond the realization of even devoted Bible scholars. You can read more here about this formation now in progress.
To HaShem be all the Glory and Honour!