There is no greater guideline on this topic than in this week’s Bible Reading, B’Shalach – in Exod. 14:14.
The Scene? The Israelites on their exit from Egypt to the Promised land: They arrive at the Sea. Pharaoh has turned against his letting them free and is now pursuing them with deadly intentions. They panic and turn against Moses, blaming him for taking them out of Egypt. Moses panics and starts praying. Now watch and grasp this Divine Directive for us in these very days where we are in a 2nd and Greater Exodus (Jer. 23:7) and faced with the problems of Return to Israel from the exile. “Leave it to God – He will bring us thru.”
Exod. 14:14 “HaShem will fight for you; you need only to be still.15 Then HaShem said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. 16 Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.”
A Great Miraculous Divine Intervention is going to protect Israel. Yet, God ‘needs’ Moses and the nation to act in faith. Challenge the depths of the sea in front of them. Moses and the nation crying out and praying. God has promised them and told them what to do “Why do you cry and pray to Me? Get going and WALK into the sea!” Only then it would part. Of course, He could air-lift them right into the Promised Land – as many ‘believers’ think that God will do for them while they “only need to trust and wait upon Him.” Pray! Trust in Him! No! Get yourself going in Faith. Act! Do!
That is the Message also for us today in order to overcome this Great Obstacle of reconciling with each other in this 2750 year Family feud in the Nation of Israel. Sadly, like ancient Israer facing the impossibility ahead of us, we doubt, cry and pray – in the face of the Divine Expectation to re-unite and RETURN to the Land of Promise!
““Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on!”…/parashah/2-shemot/2-4-bshalach/
Specially selected Rabbinic commentaries for Reconciliation to advance the Final Redemption.