This week’s Haftorah Message holds the sublime comforting Promise:
Zech. 2
Our Parashah Behaalotechah records the despair of HaShem’s Called Out nation on their Way to the Promised Land. Their despair induced Moshe to reach the lowest point in his career. So did other great Bible personalities at some stage in their lives: Elijah, Jeremiah, Job, David.
Something similar can be traced in modern times. Rav Kook, when he arrived in Israel, wrote, “There is no one, young or old, with whom I can share my thoughts, who is able to comprehend my viewpoint, and this wearies me greatly.”
Even more candid was the late Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik. Near the beginning of his famous essay The Lonely Man of Faith, he writes, starkly: “I am lonely.” He continues, “I am lonely because at times I feel rejected and thrust away by everybody, not excluding my most intimate friends.”
No doubt, these feelings are shared by many who read this. Take courage though, in the Divine Promise of our Haftarah highlighted here above
And, for some inexplicable reason, a few days ago I started working on a video which I had recorded some months ago, which lay filed away without publishing. Then, just hours ago, we completed editing of this video, to be published on the KHT Web Site Music video library. At this stage only I discovered, as I started preparing this week’s Parashat Beha’aloteccha, that 2 years ago a similar strange occurrence led me to write the lyrics to a song which I had previously composed. I then made a hasty recording of it with my guitar on my Cell phone and published it with the Newsletter for Parashat Beha’alotechah – 2 years agoi Why the similarities at this time? I don’t see the link, but present you with the new video recording now, ‘How long, Eli Eli?’(Click to view) – and the invitation to read the related links to the Parashat Beha’alotechah Commentary.
May it hold a Blessing for you – for the Glory of HaShen and His inspiring Prophecies!
May these messages assist in promoting the Unity to advance and proceed to the Final Redemption (Geulah} – the Time Period of which it seems that we are now entering towards the end of this 6th Millennium – the Time of Trouble, birth pangs of the Shabbat Millennium with all its Blessings …
Wishing you HaShem’s richest Blessings!
Co-founder, KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel.
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May these studies inspire us to become the Kidushim (Holy ones, righteous ones) to receive the Eternal Gift of ruling with the God of Israel, as His Living Tabernacle – to possess the Kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.
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