Blog – 14 June, 2019
Divine Marriage on the Rocks! The mighty Israelite World Empire of Kings David and Solomon crashed by God (The Husband) Himself, exiling first the 10-Tribed Northern Kingdom, (‘the House of Israel’) then finally, the House of Judah (2 Tribes, His Judicial Arm).
Yet, Scripture abounds with endless Promises of a Restoration because “He Took an Oath before the Nations that He would bring Israel through”. Ref. Ezek. Ch 20.
In our previous Blog we have concluded that the reason for this national exile of all 12 Tribes was:
- in the case of 10-Israel, Divorce, based on Adultery – a cardinal Sin punishable by death and irreparable after;
- in the case of Judah, ongoing non-compliance with the minimum Divine requirements for Torah obedience, even after the fatal destruction of the 1st Temple because of blatant non-conformance, then subsequent 70-year exile into Babylonia, Return and rebuilding of the 2nd Temple, finally also destroyed for the same reasons in 70 CE.
Judah, His remaining Mascot ‘Light unto the Nations’ was persecuted for 2000 years – but, according to Divine Promise, with the 6th Millennium closing in another 2 – 3 centuries, Judah has been rising out of the Death Camps of Hitler and returned Home to rebuild the Land of Promise. The Restoration of Israel obviously has to precede the 7th Shabbat Millennium during which HaShem will rule the World from His Universal Kingdom, established by a re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom, from Jerusalem. In just 70 years (since 1948) Jewish Israel has risen from a desolate Land to rank amongst the top 10-Nations of the world today – an many aspects 1st.
The Restoration of 12-Israel has just kicked off. 10/12ths of the Nation, spread amongst the nations since their exile from the Land 2700 years ago, have to RETURN! The implications are staggering:
- where and how do you find these ‘Israelite’ (Hebrew) exiles amongst the nations?
- and if you find and identify them, HOW can God accept them back, having divorced them for the cardinal, irreparable sin of spiritual Adultery (rejecting His 1st Marriage Covenant at Sinai).
This is our Topic of Research in this Blog series.
Of course, answers abound. Prime amongst especially the ‘re-awakening’ exiles of 10-Israel, known as Hebrew Roots Restorers today – a modern phenomenon – is the concept founded by the Church over 2000 years, that “Jesus has died for those sins, reconciled them and given them a FREE UNCONDITIONAL Pass Home. NO restrictions. NO carnal Rules. NO Covenant restrictions or conditions. ‘Just believe and love him.’”
When confronted with reality, like: “How will you return to the Land of Promise?” answers abound. These responses are driven by a spirit of liberation from ANY and ALL reciprocal commitment but ‘Just to love’. Great emphasis is also placed on a “Rapture”, on a cloud – straight into the heart of the Promised Land. “Just believe”.
No consideration whatsoever is given to the fact that the exiled House of 10-Israel had been rejected (‘DIVORCED’) because of their non-conformance to those very ‘restrictions’ and ‘law commitments’ which they still reject. In this, they are no different from their forefathers who refused to follow the appointed Law Givers of HaShem (i.e. Judah, His Mechoqeck) and chose to make their interpretations of Torah.
What remains true by Divine Promise, is that they SHALL Return and be ‘re-married’ by the Original Bridegroom in order to restore and reunite the 12-Tribed Kingdom of the God of Israel.
The options for the prospective Bride is clear:
- Simply trust, do nothing ‘restrictive’ and just wait to celebrate the Marriage; or:
- Delve with us into the Truth about HOW HaShem will take her back. This may just reveal the actual area of shortcoming and provide the opportunity to adjust and comply.
It certainly is not a ‘Free Trip of Just Believe’.
Foundational concepts behind the Crashing and the Restoration of the Kingdom of Israel.
We have thus far discussed in-depth the reasons for the Crashing of the Israelite Kingdom of David and Solomon which is: Non compliance with His Marriage Covenant.
To expect God to apply abnormal legal mending of an irreparable Marriage, is one thing. To suggest that He would do so by discarding all the restrictions that any Marriage Covenant entails is absurd and accuses Him of being without Principles. Yes, ‘Love’ overrules, but does that not place the Bride under similar reciprocal behaviour?
The entire world today clearly accepts and believes that there are two ways to serving the God of Israel:
- the Jewish ‘restrictive’ legalistic way, or
- an almost ‘free-for-all’ way for non-Jews.
Suffice it here to have a quick overview of the Divine Requirements throughout Biblical Times.
God elected a Gentile, Abraham, to be the father of a Nation whom He would use as ‘the foundation’ of His Kingdom. This man was elected for complying with HaShem’s Torah requirements which were known at the time. This would be the foundation of an eventual future body of innumerable equally complying descendents. What followed was a 12-Tribed Hebrew nation which was covenanted by God at Sinai. Moses was appointed to teach them God’s Way and Requirements (Torah). Being a ‘Marriage’, this nation was irrevocably committed to compliance. They would teach His Requirements for Life to the other nations who were NOT covenanted to Him. Logically, He has ONE Way of Life for all who wish to comply – for successful Life now and for citizenship of His Eternal Kingdom to be set up in the 7th Shabbat Millennium (now some 230 years away (from 2019). This Divine Intent is eternal and does not change.
History to date confirms that 12-Israel did NOT comply and were exiled. But, Divine Promise and Intent does not change.
We are now at a time in history where we have visible physical proof of the promised Restoration now being in process of fulfillment (as shown above), We have 2-Tribed Judah in process of Return to the Land, still clinging to Torah. And we have 10-Israel still in dispersion beyond Israel identity, across the World. But, over the last 2 decades we have a physical Phenomenon of non-Jews, worldwide, turning by their millions towards Torah and Judaism principles. However, the resistance against ‘Jewish Torahism’ (the Original 10-Israel ‘Adultery’ Sin) remains.
And then we still have, like throughout the centuries, the far greater majority of non-Jewish (Gentile) nations NOT covenanted to the God of Israel. Yet, there should be no doubts, that the God of Creation wants them ultimately to abide by the SAME Rules of Life – the Basics required for Life abundant.
For those who are attracted to Torah Principles, there remains the question whether they are most likely part of the Skeleton of Ezek. 37 (Dead Israel in Exile) who are called to re-identifying or not. Or are they part of the non-Israelite, uncovenanted Masses? Whichever, it should be abundantly clear that ALL humanity needs to comply with the Torah (Will and Way) of HaShem.
If you are of the covenanted, exiled 10-Israel, then there is the obligation for you to RETURN to full Torah compliance (as guided by Judah’s spiritual leaders). Further resistance simply disqualifies you for citizenship in the Shabbat Millennium. The Gentile masses, however, like a Ruth in the Bible, simply needs to decide and express the wish to comply and then they have to tow the line with His People.
Any theology which diverts you from this Way is deceit. There can be NO Jewish Torah Messiah who opens ‘another’ Way. A true Messiah will be One Who brings His People BACK into Covenant relationship with the Creator God. Any alternative claim of Messiahship is falsity and is a high-jack and a false impersonation of the True Messiah.
Check what you have been taught!
NEXT – Part 5 – Final Redemption If Torah compliance remains the basis for both Jews and non-Jews to comply – then how will HaShem make it possible for His Divorced Bride (10-Israel) to Return and comply, having irreparably been cut off from the Covenant by Divorce from HaShem?
PREVIOUS – Part 3 – Adultery – the Final Cause for the Divorce of 10-Israel
Part 2 – Eternal Promise of the Restoration of theKingdom to Israel
Independent research scholar. He works tirelessly as an activist promoting Israel and settlement of the Land of Israel, and as Webmaster and co-ordinator of Kol HaTor. Read More.
February 21, 2020 @ 4:48 pm
I am impressed with the material I read so far and will continue to make an in depth study of all the material in time. Thank you for the effort you put into doing this important job function for those who are returning to the faith of our fathers in the faith.