Who is the Mashiach (Messiah)?
The word “Mashiach” does not appear in the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanach, Old Testament) ever to refer to such a Prophetic Personage
Video by Rabbi Michael Skobac, Jews for Judaism
WHO is the Mashiach? – Shocking Biblical Confirmation
Discover the Biblical Truth surrounding “the true Identity of the Mystical Mashiach” which has for so long eluded even staunch Biblical commentators. Traditional defining of this elusive Personage has aided great division and bloodshed.
A Mind-blowing Calling – if only we could fully realize it.
The Keys to receiving the mind-blowing Award that God will rule over the Nations through His righteous people who will serve as a ‘Living Tabernacle’ for Him to live amongst His People.
What the “Messiah” is all about …
The true concept of “Mashiach” (the Messiah) which is now becoming clear, is none other than that Body of overcoming and Divinely empowered souls referred to as “The Servant of God”. This Body is in process of formation by God in the End Times and will be elected by Him, imbued fully with His Spirit AFTER the Final Judgment (and the Geulah), to become a Living Human Temple in which God will dwell and Live amongst His People to rule over the Nations.
The Servant of God – Who is this?
The most Challenging Concept that holds the Key to the Identity of ‘The Mashiach” (Messiah).
The Coming of HaShem – Return of His Shechinah Presence
Is there perhaps a connection between “the Coming of Messiah” and “The Return of the Shechinah (Presence) of God”?
Do Jews believe that Mashiach will come suddenly and unexpectedly?
Yet another Rabbinic commentary accentuating the discrepancies in Jewish thought re. “Messiah” – much like that amongst Christians who after 2000 years still cannot agree or figure out who their purported Messiah is.
These are just a few links to a large library of articles on the Topic of The Mashiach (Messiah) which is available on our KOL HATOR Web Site. These articles contain further links in the Text body to other explanatory studies. There are more such Links to Related Topics at the foot of each article. Be sure to follow these for in-depth insights and explanations.