What does the Bible, the Talmud and the Jewish Sages’ Writings say about the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes from the ‘House of Israel’? Where are we today on this Cycle? What are our responsibilities towards these Returnees? Where and how may we personally fit into this Event? Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum, Jerusalem presents enlightening quotes from these ancient sources about the End Time Retun of the Lost House of Israel (commonly referred to as Ephraim) and how we should go about it . . .
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER – These independent video producers may not necessarily agree with the Kol Hator Vision as presented through this Web Site while the KHT Vision may well not agree with the views of these commentators. The videos in this section are published here for our viewers’ erudition to present alternative considerations of this all-important topic. May this assist in providing a broad perspective for peacefully materializing the Biblical mandate which is yet insolvable.