Stunning Revelation of what will bring the Final Redemption
DISCLAIMER – the authors and promoters of the articles and videos that we place here are mostly not connected in any way to KOL HATOR and may well not share our views and interpretations. We do however thank them for their insight and pointers that confirm our understanding and often broaden our insight.
Be sure to repeat the final conclusion from 8 minutes on the Time dial of this video. This Divine ‘Need’ underlies the completion of the Final Redemption. In line with our Parashat Va’erah this week, It is the Call to ‘Come OUT of Egypt, the 2nd Exodus’, to re-covenant to the Sinai Covenant and to Unite as ONE Nation IN the Land – above all, to prepare to be worthy to become His ‘Servant’, His Witness and Testimony – the ‘Light unto the World. And to become partner and active to promote this Vision as widely as possible.’
Kol Hator Commentary
Not only Judah (the Jews) will become involved, but also the re-identified and regathered ‘House of 10-Israel’ which has to return from Exile just as Judah did. KHT stresses this additional and wider interpretation to apply to both Houses of Israel, for the reader to bear in mind when the Rabbi applies it to Judah (the Jews) only – (as all Rabbis do these days in the absence of 10-Israel for the last 2730 years). Our entire Kol Hator Web Site confirms this broader application in recognition of the teachings of the Sages of Judah throughout the ages. Together and reconciled into ONE Nation, they will become that ‘Servant of HaShem’, the Divinely inspired formation of two Witnesses to HaShem – a Witness which He is creating to be a Light unto the Nations. Refer to Isaiah 42 and our commentary.
A Witness unto the Nations of the Glory of HaShem
This Witness by the two Houses of Israel is achieved as follows:
By Judah – as Rabbi Riskin accentuates): “G-d will become validated by Jewish history. If you want to see G-d, you must see history as it unfolds” – the awesome rebuilding of the Land of Israel and its current achievement amongst the Top 10 nations in just 70 years! Rebuilding from a waste land which it became during the absence of its Jewish inhabitants over the last 2000 years! A vibrant testimony to the G-d of Israel, the Creator.
By 10-Israel – the ‘Lost’ House of Israel which had been driven from the Holy Land since 2730 years ago. Inadvertently this unidentified Witness is fulfilling the Divine Promise of eventual Return and re-uniting with Judah, in a great World-wide Phenomenon which is building like a growing Tsunami – of ‘Gentiles’ turning towards Torah, Judah and the Land of Israel. This can be none other than re-awakening Ten Tribers (as foreshadowed by Ezekiel in his Prophecy of the Skeleton coming alive (Ezek. 37) and as foretold by Jewish Sages throughout the centuries, i.e. to become a re-identifying, reborn ‘Ephraim’. Their turning to Torah is a Testimony to the G-d of Israel, the Creator, which no Gentile can miss! Significantly, their acceptance of the 7th Day (Jewish) Sabbath is generally their first Restoration, which not only draws them away from the Church, but also, according to HaShem’s Own Declaration, seals them as ‘His People’.
Exodus 31:13, “Tell the people of Israel, ‘You are to observe my Shabbats; for this is a sign between Me and you through all your generations; so that you will know that I am HaShem, who sets you apart for Me” – i.e. as His Servant, His Witness.
Also Ezek. 20:12,20 read the entire chapter for context – how their disregard for His Sabbath was a main cause for their exile – obviously their return to it would then be required to signify their Divinely recognized identity.
This will also reveal the common misinterpretation of ‘The Servant’ of Isa. 42 and elsewhere, having been applied to ‘The Mashiach’ – for this chapter quotes the observation by HaShem that ‘this Servant is deaf and blind …’ even though being the vehicle which He is preparing to become His Light unto the Nations. This, surely, can NOT be applied to any ‘Mashiach’ as so commonly defined by Bible commentators.
G-d needs His People to Unite!
Independent research scholar. He works tirelessly as an activist promoting Israel and settlement of the Land of Israel, and as Webmaster and co-ordinator of Kol HaTor. Read More.