Prose Poem by OvadYah Avrahami
– Proposing a Scriptural answer to the popular objection that God, in His Divine eminence, does NOT need man.
Does God need man to achieve His Purpose?
Or will He do it all by Himself?
Does God need YOU? – or are you just another spec in the greater picture of the universe? – an insignificant number in His predetermined already completed Purpose?
Throughout the ages, the Almighty has employed human beings to fulfill His Plan for humanity on Planet Earth. These people, without fail, had personal faults and weaknesses, notwithstanding the fact that they received the election of God – all because He ordained that man should be a free moral agent – to choose Him or reject Him, to be His friend or His enemy; His partner or His opponent.
These ‘favoured’ of God had one thing in common – a burning desire to give Him all they had: their hearts; their love; their patriotism, cooperation, time, and effort – THEIR LIVES. In all, for them, God was their first Choice – their most important purpose in life! Mistakes they had many – but God NEEDED their loyalty … as much as they needed His favour, in a bi-lateral contract founded on LOVE, fulfilling their cry from an aching heart:
This is the Cry of man to his Maker – and it is the Call of the Creator to His work of divine art!
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– To set the tone for this heart-rendering Call, you can add background music while you read by clicking here. The song “Dream of Love”, is a composition by the author of this appraisal, OvadYah Avrahami, of a much misunderstood salient attribute of the Creator of all.
Click now to play – then read on …
This Cry runs like a golden thread throughout the Scriptures. It is as if we can hear His challenging Cry to men of Bible fame:
“ADAM – I have perfected this earth and created life upon it. I need you to replenish it. Be fruitful and multiply and take care of all living creatures on the earth, in the seas and in the skies.” (Based on Gen. 1:28).
Adam disappointed Him yet strived to please Him to the end of his days.
When the majority of men on earth grew wicked and corrupt, God approached a man whom He favored for his upright behaviour:
“NOAH – I regret having created man! I need you to build Me a ship which will serve to save one pair of each kind of animal, bird and reptile on earth, from the Flood which I am bringing to destroy all the wicked.” (Based on Gen. 6). But wickedness of man’s own making remained, even after the Flood had purified the earth.
“ABRAHAM – I need you to become father of a great nation – Israel – and through them to reach all humanity and all nations. Through you and your descendants, I will display to all mankind, what great Blessings are bestowed upon those who love Me and obey Me – and what curses will befall those who disobey Me.” (Gen. 12:1-9; Deut. ch. 27 & 28) (Ref. also to The Blessing of Abraham).
After 400 years of slavery in Egypt, God called a man whom He had trained and humbled over a period of 40 years – a former military giant – to release Israel from their bondage in slavery:
“MOSES – I need you to lead My nation, Israel, to freedom in the Promised Land …” (Ex. 3:1-12).
And when they were on their way out of Egypt, on their way to the Promised Land, God said to . . . .
MOSES – Ex. 19:9 “I am going to come to you in a dense cloud so that the people will hear me speaking with you and will always put their trust in you.”
MOSES was instructed to give them His Commandments (Ex. 20) and His Statutes (Ex.21, etc.) and to build Him a Tabernacle where they can worship Him and where He “can dwell amongst them” (Ex. 25:7 onwards).
Moses had failings too, (Num. 20), but he executed G-d’s Command to his dying day (Deut. 34).
“JOSHUA – I need you to take over from Moses, My servant who is deceased – lead My People and teach them to stand firm in My Law” (Joshua 1).
“ISRAEL – My nation; you are My first-born son – worship Me and obey Me. I need you in order to display My righteousness unto the other nations and to proclaim and teach them my Laws and Customs” (Based on Ex. 4:22, etc.).
What about Joseph, Gideon, and Samson?
Deborah, Ruth, and Esther? –
Yes, even Rehab, the harlot?
These were men and women,
who, through Faith, conquered kingdoms
and did what was right.
They could keep a lion’s mouth shut;
put out blazing fires and
emerge unscathed from battle.
They were weak people,
Who were given the strength to be brave –
Thereby giving honour and glory
To their Creator!
Shall we talk about Samuel –
David, Saul, or Solomon?
Shall we stress God’s Great Need
for Prophets to speak through?-
To correct and rebuke?
Or praise and inspire a people,
without whom He’d be unknown
to earthlings?
Yet, whether great or small –
An Elijah or a Jonah –
All had mistakes –
Too many to number.
If not disheartened like Elijah;
then stubborn like Jonah –
Refusing to bring Good Tidings to pagans!
“I need you …….
To tell men about Me!”
“Each Truth is a Jewel –
I’m revealing it to you –
Seek a heart home for each.
And as you give, you’ll receive.
Some spirit-starved friend
will be glad to discover it.
Use all I have given;
drop one here and two there.
Into each life and heart
I ache to find a way –
A purpose for which I do need you.
As a Light, you should shine
and portray My Great Love,
till joyfully, they shout:
‘Come into my heart, my God.’”
How could ever a man despise
this great Plan
whereby God uses those
who have hearkened?
Their plea He will answer:
“Lord, teach me to follow Thy footsteps
To light, out of darkness. ”
And to those who still doubt
whether someone as Great as God,
may proclaim :
“Yes, I do need you?”
To you, my dear friend,
won’t you sit down and think:
Won’t you yield to the Heavenly Invitation?
Won’t you NOW – open your heart;
Give of your time and your assets – all your love? –
Won’t you yield to His Cry:
Independent research scholar. He works tirelessly as an activist promoting Israel and settlement of the Land of Israel, and as Webmaster and co-ordinator of Kol HaTor. Read More.
January 24, 2020 @ 12:37 pm
God needs YOU!
TODAH RABBAH OvadYah – you are really an inspiration for me!!
Hineini… Yaacov Francois Havenga!