By Rabbi Chaim richman, The Temple Institute
Parashat Korach Numbers 16:1 – 18:32
Haftarah Korach 1 Samuel 11:14 – 12:22
DISCLAIMER – the authors and promoters of the articles and videos that we place here are mostly not connected in any way to KOL HATOR and may well not share our views and interpretations. We do however thank them for their insight and pointers that confirm our understanding and often broaden our insight.
KOL HATOR Commentary
The guidelines that will be provided in this response and remarks to this commentary are presented as thought provokers, suggestions. Rather than claiming a rigid, inflexible interpretation, we set an open agenda for additional and even alternative discussion on applying these Scriptural mind seeds– not argumentative refute please. It is time for open-minded peace seeking communication irrespective of religious differences.
Complaints by Korach
From the Biblical record:
1. Complaints raised not by the common members of the Nation but by advanced, elected religious members of the nation.
For purposes of our consideration and comparison:
As partakers of the 2nd Exodus, we today, have to consider our current obstructive attitudes: “We” refer to religious, Bible students, who take the Restoration and the ultimate Promises of God serious; who sort under the 20%-only select group who responded to G-d’s Call out of Egypt (exile). We have to measure ourselves against the actions and attitudes of the partakers of the 1st Exodus to ensure our successful passage into the Promised Land with all its Blessings.
From the Biblical record:
2. The complaints were against the authority of Moses. Rabbi Richman emphasises G-d’s authorising of Moses as authority over the people next to Him (ref. 4.16 min. on the Time line of the video)
For purposes of our consideration and comparison:
From the reawakening Ephraim side, the Torah restoring non-Jews around the World who generally still reject and resist Rabbinic authority which comes down from Moses and the 70 elders at the start. They have to measure themselves against the actions and attitudes of Korach and the partakers of the 1st Exodus to ensure successful passage into the Promised Land with all its Blessings. Resistors against Rabbinic authority and Halachic Torah interpretation (Oral Torah), just like Korach, while they believe and profess Torah observance, yet blame Rabbis for ‘making their own Laws which they then force upon the believers . The Divine Mandate given by G-d to Judah for handling the Justice Arm of His Kingdom until He Comes to rule over the Nations, is comprehensively discussed in Judah – The Lawgiver of God (Hebrew: Mechoqeck)
From the Biblical record:
3. Korach’s main argument was: “You have taken too much! All Israel are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is in their midst. How dare you raise yourselves above the assembly of the LORD?’ (Numbers 16:3)
For purposes of our consideration and comparison:
We have in this the echo of a rising voice, even from amongst Judah itself, that Judaism and Halacha claims all the Blessings of Torah just for Jews and fail to share that Blessing and full Torah knowledge with the Nations. That finger points even to the Voice and Call of Kol Hator and other Rabbis who are starting to open up towards the growing masses of Torah restorers in the World out there today. We who call for Judah’s reconsideration of its Divine Calling.
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