An extract from our 460-pg book, chapter 3
”Jewish Secrets Hidden in the New Testament”
The Oral Torah continues to explain: “Like the day grows dark and then grows light, so also after darkness is fallen on the Ten Tribes, shall light hereafter shine upon them once again.” (Mishnah Sanhedrin 10:3). This means that we do believe in their Return, “speedily and in our days!” – as reflected in the Daily Prayers of Judah.
Many times various Rabbis made some commotion and published the reality of the Return of 10-Israel. Eldad Hadani (9th century), a Jewish Marco Polo of sorts, came with stories of 10-Israel and caught the ears of everyone in Cordoba, Spain. Even the Torah Giant Casdai ibn Shiprut (900 -970 CE) gave full attention to Eldad’s unlikely tales because of the excitement that such a possibility engendered.
- 1380 CE (5141) – John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English.
- 1494 –1536 CE – William Tyndale showed proofs of the essence of Great Britain as a descendant of the Tribes (a Covenant country of sorts).
- John Sadler – his supporter Oliver Cromwell and others were inclined to view themselves as a reflection of Biblical Lost Israel. This embryonic Tribal identity made them open to allowing Jews to return to England from which Jews had previously been expelled.
- The great Don Yitzchak Abarbanel (1650 CE) explains that faith in the Return of the Tribes is a pivotal, foundational and crucial element of our Torah Judaism! For additional examples, let us cite the following instances:
- Rabbi Manasseh Ben Israel (1604 – 1657 CE) in England, France, Holland, etc.
- The Vilna Gaon and his Perushim circa (1700 CE and later), the Jerusalem Rabbinical public plea, less than 100 years ago, begged the Tribes to return.
- 1611 CE – Henry VIII of England introduces the Bible translated into English. Until then, the Catholic Church had essentially kept it in Latin.
- 1794-1795 CE – the Richard Brothers made the notion of the British descent from the Tribes very popular with many well-read publications. Very learned and honored people were involved, i.e. the parliament member and famous Orientals, Nathaniel Halhed and theologian and engraver William Sharp. John Finlayson and separately, Ralph Wedgwood, proclaim the still infantile, but growing Tribal identity. John Wilson founded a society that explained how the British were actually the descendants of 10-Israel and they proved this in a scientific way through studies which embraced migrations of ancient peoples (1870’s until today). Colonel George Gawler continued this work of proving Israelite identity.
- Since Colonial America, the interest in the Biblical Hebrew language has been a reality. For example, Presidents Adams and Jefferson, despite their many disagreements, found common ground on the issue of the Jews and their part in history. They were intrigued by the role that the Jews played in history. They also felt and placed the fate of the Jews at center stage (“G-d’s Sacred Tongue“, S. Goldman University of South Carolina Press,o4). They wished to make Hebrew the national language and wanted to identify the lost Tribes. All the best universities taught Hebrew as a Classical language, because it was still a crucial tool for Bible understanding. In Protestant Europe, Hebrew was held in high esteem since the 16th century.
- The 1840’s saw a rising interest in a fledgling Hebrew Restoration movement among hundreds of Gentiles, who had a heart for Israel. These groups also called for, and often predicted the imminent return of Jews to Zion. Many Christians, like Prof. George Bush, disagreed with a merely mystical interpretation of the ‘End times’ and insisted the actual return of the Jewish people to their ancestral Homeland. Yes, the former presidents are his relatives. These writings and activities served to plant the seeds for more advanced growth in this direction. All of this is leading towards an intellectual infrastructure that would help 10-Israel awaken. Christian Zionism (love for Israel) had started to take root and is today rapidly growing to become a serious alternative way to the historic Church’s opposing attitudes.
- The Restoration of a reunited Israel can also clearly be traced in ‘the spiritually evolutionary progress of Christianity since its inception 2000 years ago. Over the first three centuries, it grew from a Jewish sect in Israel, to the birth of the Catholic Church, formatted on a totally anti-Jewish foundation of theological concepts. In the Middle Ages, we find the Great Reformation, with reformers like Luther and Calvin, starting to question the Papacy. The invention of the printing press helped to spread the Bible among normal congregants of the Church. Soon there was a break away of reformed churches from the Papacy. The middle of the 19th century saw the start of ‘a return to original Bible Truth’ among seeking Christian Bible students, to what became known as ‘a return to the Hebraic Roots of their Faith’. Several prominent Church leaders were recognized as ‘prophets’ by their followers and credited with restoring such original Bible-based Truths:
- Ellen White restored the Sabbath through the Adventist Movement in the 1840’s.
- Charles Russell’s teachings (Jehovah’s Witnesses) about the Sacred Name started a research into this topic with an ever- growing great awakening called the ‘Sacred Name Movement’ over the last several decades.
- William Branham started the Pentecostal charismatic movement through his healing services in the mid-20th century and denounced the Trinity theology, replacing it with ‘The Oneness.’
- Herbert Armstrong – in the 60’s restored the Biblical feasts (Jewish Holy days),
- From the 90’s onwards the Hebraic Restoration Movement which grew out of this Reformation process, brought the restoration of original Bible Truths, drawing Bible believers away from the regular churches, through the restoration in their faith, of Judaism’s principles, progressively, one after the other. An ever growing interest in conversion to Judaism and physical return to the Land of Israel has been on the roll ever since and to date.