Our 8 reviews since Bereisheet have revealed a common theme: the need for CHANGE in both Houses in order to accept each other and reconcile – i.e. Yoseph’s mission. Today, ‘Yoseph’ may well be identified as that “Servant of HaShem” who will be liable for returning and reconciling all 12 Tribes, both Houses of Israel, into ONE. This Servant consists of those of the House of Judah and of the re-awakening House of 10-Israel who work passionately for reconciliation between the two striding factions of the 12-Tribed Nation of Israel. This week, in our 9th Parashah of the year, enters the illustrious personage of Yoseph.
In Rabbinic literature Yoseph is the metaphor for the Reconciliation of the 12 Tribed Family of Israel, HaShem’s People. Yoseph is the tireless Family Restorer of ancient Israel while none of his brothers recognized him in his Egyptian gear.
Over the next 4 Parashiyot we will be treated on a feast of Interpretations following from the Biblical records – all with enlightening guidance on the Way that we find ourselves at this moment of history: Closing in on the Final Redemption, the setting up of HaShem’s Universal Kingdom.
Unfortunately though, due to administrative limitations, we will not be able to publish this Newsletter. You will be able to follow similar commentaries and News developments of this awesome and critical time slot on the World stage, on the Face book Pages mentioned at the foot of this Newsletter, Selected Rabbinic commentaries on the weekly Parashot will remain available at https://www.kolhator.com/weekly-parashah/
The late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, in his commentary on this Parashah makes the following observation: “The story of Joseph and his brothers, spread over four parshiyot, is the longest and most tightly scripted of all the narratives in the Torah.”
In his commentary Vayeshev (and he settled … in the land of his forefathers, which today forms the disputed Original Bible Land of Shomron (Samaria) and “The West Bank”), Rabbi Sacks focuses on a ‘low profile’ personage in our Parashah – the ‘Man’ who helped Yoseph find his brothers in the fields. He uses this to emphasize a behind-the-scenes Divine strategy of HaShem in steering the future of His People towards His Kingdom fulfilment. Please read his commentary here below.
We have a similar intervention in our very midst today, in the person of Pres. Donald Trump, who has advanced historic developments to further steer the course of the Land of Israel to its ultimate Destination. The next few weeks may provide staggering world shattering events if Trumps calling is not done yet.
Will two walk together, unless they have agreed?
“The Haftarah is read with Parashat Vayeshev because of this one line in it: Can two walk together unless the have agreed?.” Refer the commentary below.
A lengthy discussion evolved on my Face book Page this week between re-awakening Torah restoring Ephraimites and Jews. The general trend of the discussion was that of pointing fingers at each other – with no intention, rather with distinct rejection of such required CHANGE towards peaceful acceptance of each other. They fail to realize that we are all from the SAME family. Even if just for the urge on both sides to be following the Creator, the God of Israel.
How can two such divergent sides ever walk together?
We are entering 4 weeks of inspiring metaphors and calls for Reconciliation between the two divided Houses of Israel: Judah and 10-Israel, after a 2700 year history of strife, bloodshed and even wars – in the SAME Family, the People of HaShem! Yet reconciliation is the furthest in mind on BOTH sides.
Now go check out the following two Rabbinic commentaries below and may it inspire each of us to CHANGE our hardness of heart towards each other.
Wishing you HaShem’s richest Blessings!
Co-founder, KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel
Note – These links are from Mecho-Mamre – Hebrew and English version. Click ‘Refresh’ or ‘Hebrew’ in URL window if the Hebrew text does not appear on the left side in addition to the English.
This Week’s Rabbinic Commentaries – Parashat Vayeshev
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