KOL HATOR and the listed Associates confirm their communal agreement with and support for the promotion of Reconciliation between the striving factions of the House of 10-Israel (being the re-identifying Ten Lost Tribes of Israel) and the House of Judah (the Jews).
This spirit of association is based on their support and pursuance of the ultimate Divine Purpose of Reconciliation between the two Houses based on Halachic Torah observance, in order to establish Peace in Zion – in the House, Family and Nation of HaShem.
This Reconciliation is an evolving spiritual growth process of a Return to Torah – proof of which is evident from the extent to which these returnees have turned from Torah rejection to progressively increasing pro-Zionism, pro-Judaism and Torah subjection under Rabbinic authority. This is achieved in the spirit of uniting on that which we do agree on while pressing forward to Reconciliation. and while not necessarily sharing all the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed in their respective Website contents and their independent theological and/or political views.
Association is based on mutual agreement on the seven Uniting Factors underlying the Kol HaTor Vision.
Kol HaTor enjoys Associate support as defined above, from the following segments:
- Hebraic Restoration Associates
- Orthodox Rabbinic Associates
- Jewish Associates
- Christian Zionist Associates
- Islamic Associates
Interested promotors are invited to join this co-operative Agreement of Association.
List of Associates
I. Orthodox Rabbinic Associates
AZAMRA – Torah for our Time
Rabbi Avraham Greeenbaum, Jerusalem
- Weekly Parashot Commentaries
- Know your Bible – on line Studies
- Archive of Bible Commentaries
- Daily study of Rambam’s Mishneh Torah Law Code
- Current DIARY of coming days of note in the Torah calendar
- Videos, archive of MP3 Classes
- FREE on-line books
- FREE subscription to regular studies
II. Jewish Associates
Britam Publications and Hebrew Nations
Yair Davidy
Jewish Scholar & Researcher, 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, Restoration of Israel
Shomron Central
Understanding the Centrality of Samaria to the Land of Israel and its Connection to the Nation of Israel. An information Website about the Shomron (Samaria) and its importance for Israel and the world – historically and future….
Global-Report: TheHOPE ~ התקווה – The New Vision for Israel & Zion
Yitzhaq Hayut-Man, Ph.D cyber-architect
III. Hebraic Restoration Associates
While these Associates share and promote the Kol HaTor Vision of the Reconciliation of the two estranged Houses of Israel, Kol HaTor does not necessarily agree with or endorse the teachings of the publishers of these Websites.
The Rabbis teach that Joseph is a metaphor for Ephraim, the Lost House of Israel. “Judah did not recognize Joseph” because of his Egyptian image. From this we learn that the Returning Lost Ten Tribes will have an Egyptian Image.
The following Websites which are associated supporters of the Kol HaTor Vision, are all in a process of progressive Restoration of their Hebraic Roots. As a result these Sites may still contain ‘Christian Messianic’ content which Judaism does not accept or agree with.
In the KHT spirit and undertaking of non-proselytizing by its associates, these Websites are NOT presented here for Jewish insight. The contents of these Websites express their respective publishers views.
Latest addition to Associates’ List:
According to Scripture, God is predicted to assemble His people back to the land of Israel in an event recognized as the Greater Second Exodus.
Many of you are aware of a second Exodus, where “a Remnant of Israel” will be gathered back to the land of Israel which was promised to Abraham, Issac and Jacob. But did you know that there is much more to this matter …. ?
Also on Face Book
Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute
Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute (HRTI) is living for the future by following the Ancient Paths of Torah in order to be sanctified for the God of Israel.
HRTI remains an Institution for Torah Observant believers which uses e-learning technology to equip Talmidim (Students) with quality education while adhering to a Torah-Observant value system.
Our aim is to develop knowledge of the vocate the continual study thereof. We equip men and women with the skills to be effe Truth of the Word of God, to be able to teach and support it, and to adctive witnesses, teachers, leaders and stewards of the Good News of the Kingdom of God around the world.
We are called for the restoration of all things; to promote the return of the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel to its Torah Covenant.
Commonwealth of Israel (COI)
Pursuing the Biblical Reconciliation of the 12 Tribes of YIsrael
Led by Judah (as Divinely mandated in Genesis 49:10), Represented herein by Kol HaTor (KHT) Vision for the Restoration of 12 Tribed Israel and supported by Reconciliation with Israel driving the Reconciliation amongst Yoseph plus other KHT associate partners to come forward
- All interested organizations, under the banner of joint co-operation will host an annual Commonwealth of Israel Reconciliation conference in Israel (Jerusalem) that will be digitally broadcast to 10-triber and Judah media asset
- The conference will be the first modern major joint meeting between Judah and 10-Israel, to consider and promote Reconciliation on Biblical Covenantal grounds through subjection to Torah observance and free from unbiblical reconciliation damaging agendas.
Nazarene Israelite Two House Congregation
“Welcome to our congregation. – We are a Nazarene Fellowship based in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.”
Proclaiming re-unification of the 2-Houses of Israel as per the main theme of Biblical Propphecy.
We are Nazarene Jewish/Israelite believers – we are not Christians and not ‘Messianic Jews’ who believe that they were commissioned by Yeshua to convert Pagans and Jews to accept a Torah rejecting Messiah as their Savior. Please visit our Website for comprehensive statements of what we stand for.
Beastwatch News
‘Hebrew Nation’ Radio Host Kimberly Rogers selects Breaking News about:
End Time Bible Prophecies * Mark Of The Beast * Antichrist * Revelation * US* * Israel * Iran * New World Order * Islam * Restoration of the Re-united Kingdom of Israel * Hebrew Roots Restoration * Reconciliation of 2 Houses of Israel
The Messianic Message
Sounding the Warning Blast!
Presents enlightening Scripturally based Commentaries
Aminidav ben Avraham has spent over 20 years investigating the Jewish Roots of the New Testament and has concluded that the Gospel proclaimed by much of Christian Messianism has totally changed its original Jewish Halachic Torah foundation and Message.
Dr Robert Mock presents comprehensive in-depth studies on topics like:
Jews and the Geulah, Redemption of Israel, Biblical Prophecy, Hebrew Jerusalem, Nazarene Ecclesia, Biblical Eschatology, Wilderness Sanctuary, Solomon’s Temple and many other topics, Newsletter
Destination Yisra’el
A Blog for the Lost Ten Tribers Awakening to their New Reality
Mount Ephraim Watchman
Stephen Spykerman is a Zionist Messianic Leader, a frequent visitor to Israel, longstanding Member of the Temple Institute, as well as the author of a number of books and numerous articles on the Two Houses of Israel. Amongst his published works are:
- “The Hidden Ancestry of America & Great Britain”
- “Great Britain – Her Calling and Hidden Ancestry”
- “Who Are You America? – Time to Lift Your Prophetic Veil”
- “The Two Faces of Israel – The Lion of Judah & The Unicorn of Ephraim”
As the former Chairman of International Speakers Bureau, he is an accomplished speaker in his own right with an abiding passion for the Restoration of the Whole House of Israel. To this end he has become a fervent and most active supporter of Kol Ha Tor, working tirelessly for reconciliation between the descendants of both Houses of Joseph and Judah. Stephen considers that Kol Ha Tor has a Divinely ordained commission to be the agent for reconciliation in preparation for the restoration of the United Kingdom of Greater Israel. He looks forward with great anticipation and total certainty to the day when the Messiah of Israel will be seated upon the Throne of David reigning over the Twelve Tribes of Israel from Mount Zion. His chief joy is to see Jerusalem at that time raised up as the preeminent capital of the world – a time when the Israeli Shekel will be the world’s only reserve currency, and when Hebrew will have replaced English as the world’s preeminent language. Most important of all a time when finally and most comprehensively the “Word of the LORD (TORAH) will go forth into all the world from ZION”
Messianic Voice.com
Internet Radio presenting programs by leading Messianic and Hebraic Restoration commentators
Featuring Kol Hator Audios produced by Rabbi Avraham Feld
COMMUNITY YISRAEL SEFARADIC ESSENE NATZARENE of El Salvador in Sonsonate – We don’t seek to be the redeemers of the Restoration Process, only to be humble servants and coadjutors of Him who called us from the darkness to His admirable brightness. We do an extensive invitation to unite with us to enter to this fascinating exploration of the archaic worlds.
B’nei Yisra’el בני ישראל
Beit Yosef, Latin America
— Join the Kol HaTor Project as an Associate Supporter —
IV. Link to Kol HaTor
Graphics & Codes if you wish to Link your Site to Kol HaTor Website
Join in promoting the Kol HaTor Vision by placing a Link on your Website or e-mail. Please advise us of the URL where you have placed this Link and we will place a Reciprocal Link to your Website on our listed Associates Webpage.
Easy Link
Simply copy and paste the following image and text onto your e-mail, forum or Website (it includes built-in Links to Kol HaTor):
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the Kol HaTor Vision
Link – General Invitation
Simply copy and paste the following image and text onto your e-mail, forum or Website (it includes built-in Links to Kol HaTor):
If you wish to join in the Action Mission
for the Reconciliation of the 2 Houses of Israel
then Visit the Kol HaTor
Project Today!
Link – For non-Jewish Websites only
Invitation & Full non-proselytizing Statement
Suggested for Websites who wish to join us in rooting out proselytizing or evangelizing of Jews by Messianics – the Main Obstacle in the way of Reconciliation.
Simply copy and paste the following image and text onto your e-mail, forum or Website (it includes built-in Links to Kol HaTor):
Re-unification of the 2-Houses of Israel without proselytizing
The publishers of this Website recognize the extensive damage done to the Jewish people over the centuries by attempts to convert them to Christianity. We do not support any of these missionary activities, either historically or currently. If you are Jewish, we do not wish to proselytize, to persuade you to accept any of our beliefs, or to influence you to abandon your historic and correct faith.
Rather, we strive to influence non-Jews to return to the Hebraic Roots of the Original One True Faith, to Jewish Halachah, to Rabbinic authority, and to Torah.
We are Associated Supporters of the Kol HaTor Vision
Visit Kol HaTor today
Link – For non-Jewish Websites only
Invitation & Part non-proselytizing Statement
Simply copy and paste the following image and text onto your e-mail, forum or Website (it includes built-in Links to Kol HaTor):
Re-unification of the 2-Houses of Israel without proselytizing
The publishers of this Website recognize the extensive damage done to the Jewish people over the centuries by attempts to convert them to Christianity. We do not support any of these missionary activities, either historically or currently. If you are Jewish, we do not wish to proselytize, to persuade you to accept any of our beliefs, or to influence you to abandon your historic and correct faith.
We are Associated Supporters of the Kol HaTor Vision
Visit Kol HaTor today
June 22, 2019 @ 6:20 am
Shalom-Please add me to your mailing list. I’ve been studying this on my own, from the Tanak, for several years now, and what you teach is true. Judah has the blessing of the Law . . . Let me eat wear my own clothes but may I be called by your name . . . Adonai Bless You as you teach me!