(Looking Beyond the Labels; By Yitzchok Schochet)
Our strength as a people has always lied in our unity, but what is the key to transcending our differences? Rabbi Yitzchok Schochet explores the danger of religious prejudice and judgmental tendencies, and the fundamental imperative to foster loving respect for all. (From a talk celebrating the 19th of Kislev at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue.)
For a broader understanding of the Geulah Message in this video, bear in mind that the term ‘Jews’ often applies to 12-Israel and not just to Jews. Therefore, this Message is of special value to re-awakening Ephraim (10-Israel) who has a great problem reconciling and re-uniting with Judah. Of course, the same applies to the other side: Judah (the Jews) to whom the far greater problem lies in reconciling not just with fellow Jews, but with ‘Egyptian Yoseph.