1. Regarding the creation of a reconciled and reunited Nation returned from exile and the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Land:
The Divine Promises of the ultimate establishment of the Universal Kingdom of HaShem in Jerusalem on a new earth were made to Avraham and his descendants. In the repeated Blessings recorded in the Bible, these descendants would be innumerable in quantity and include Nations and Kings – referred to in some of these Scriptures as ‘Goyim’ – thus not only Israelites or Jews. It clearly comprised all 12 Tribes of Israel – not just Judah. This Promise of Blessing to the descendants of Abraham was and will remain to be founded on the underlying Condition of Torah observance, which forms the pillars of the Covenant relationship with the G-d of Creation, G-d of Israel.
In the face of a current Worldwide Phenomenon of non-Jews turning to Torah observance and pro=Judaism, it cannot be anything other than the Prophetically promised ‘Reawakening of the Lost House of Israel’ who were exiled from the Land when the Kingdom of Israel split under the rule of King Solomon. Through their restoration of Torah in the End Times and their return to Judaism and the Land of Israel from the corners of the Earth, they would serve as the instrument in the Hand of HaShem to bring the Torah and thus the ‘Blessing of Abraham’ to ALL nations.
How should Judaism and NT Messianism shape together in the run-up to this Final Redemption (Geulah)?
- While the ancient Jerusalem Temple structure provided a section for Gentiles to worship HaShem;
- while on the new earth “all flesh shall come to worship before HaShem on Shabbat and New Moon” (Isa. 66:23, Isa. 56);
- while it is clear that HaShem does not withhold reward from Gentiles who perform His Commandments.” (Jerusalem Talmud Peah 1:1);
- and while it is stated in: Micah 6:6-8
ו בַּמָּה אֲקַדֵּם יְהוָה, אִכַּף לֵאלֹהֵי מָרוֹם; הַאֲקַדְּמֶנּוּ בְעוֹלוֹת, בַּעֲגָלִים בְּנֵי שָׁנָה. | 6 ‘Wherewith shall I come before HaShem, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before Him with burnt-offerings, with calves of a year old? |
ז הֲיִרְצֶה יְהוָה בְּאַלְפֵי אֵילִים, בְּרִבְבוֹת נַחֲלֵי-שָׁמֶן; הַאֶתֵּן בְּכוֹרִי פִּשְׁעִי, פְּרִי בִטְנִי חַטַּאת נַפְשִׁי. | 7 Will HaShem be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?’ |
ח הִגִּיד לְךָ אָדָם, מַה-טּוֹב; וּמָה-יְהוָה דּוֹרֵשׁ מִמְּךָ, כִּי אִם-עֲשׂוֹת מִשְׁפָּט וְאַהֲבַת חֶסֶד, וְהַצְנֵעַ לֶכֶת, עִם-אֱלֹהֶיךָ. | 8 It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what HaShem doth require of thee: only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. |
Yet, it is clear from Scripture and the history of the Jews (House of Judah), that ….
HaShem operates through His Nation (Israel) to be a Light of His Torah Requirements to the World. If the Phenomenon of a rising interest amongst non-Jews Worldwide in Torah is indeed a fulfillment of the Main Prophetic Message of the Hebrew Bible of Restoration of the Broken House of David (The ‘Restoration of the Fallen Tabernacle of David’), then indeed there has to take place a Peaceful Reconciliation between Judaism and NT Messianism – a main stream evolvement amongst many others in the process of the reawakening and re-identifying of the Lost House of 10-Israel around the World. This Restoration is the Main Theme of Biblical Prophecy, as featured in Ezekiel ch. 37- the Prophecy of the Skeleton of Dry Bones coming to life and the Two Sticks (Ephraim and Judah) becoming One – refer Comprehensive extract of Bible Confirmations of the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes and their reconciliation with Judah .
No Peaceful Reconciliation- No Geulah to Come – No Foundations for the Kingdom of HaShem
The onus for this Redemption materializing surely now lies on BOTH factions – as HaShem is NOT going to force the two greatly divided Houses of Israel (lasting now 2700 years) into peaceful Reconciliation.
2. Regarding the Foundations of the Kingdom
Torah based
– The Will of HaShem is expressed in the Torah stipulations. This is Eternal and Unchangeable for it represents the Eternal Will. The earthly administering thereof has been Divinely mandated to Judah. It is for this reason also that Judah, while exiled from the Land also for the last 2000 years, retained HaShem’s Mechoqeck (Lawgiver) status.
Reawakening 10-Israel has therefore to overcome their resistance against ‘Rabbinic Torah authority and realize that their NT Messianic culture has raised them in an anti-Torah Culture. This culture was formulated by the original anti-Semite culture of the Roman Empire which birthed the Christian Church. It took some 1000 to 1500 years for Reformers (Luther, Calvin and others) to realize and teach that the Roman Church was in error. The next centuries would birth the Christian Church Reformation presenting the Bible to humanity publicly. From this would spring forth a string of Hebrew Roots Restorers, to this Day – like the 7th Day Adventists (restoring Sabbath 1840); Herbert Armstrong (restored the Biblical (Jewish) Feast Days 1960) and on and on to this day where millions of Christians are leaving the Churches and now find themselves in the ‘Wilderness’, being rejected by family and Christians as ‘Jews’, and rejected by Jews as ‘Gerim’, Noahides, etc. Their own long standing culture inherited from Christianity (spiritual ‘Egypt’) is still making them resistant against the Jewish Halachic Torah Culture.
For Hebraic Roots Restorers
These re-identifying Israelites have to come to realize that they, through their forefathers, are still intrinsically obligated to the Sinai Covenant from which they have been ejected by HaShem – BUT, with the Promise of Return. This Return, undoubtedly, subjects them still to ‘Jewish’ Torah obligation in order to rightfully inherit and be part of the Promised Blessing to Abraham and the Patriarchs of Israel.
For Judah – Gate Keepers of the Jewish Israel
They have to realize that these millions of non-Jewish Torah Restorers are vitally part of the 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel in the making.
- There can be NO completely restored Israel with the 2-Tribed House of Judah only. The 10 Lost Tribes have to Return – and thus be accepted by Judah, the Gate Keepers.
- There can be NO Geulah with only Judah returned.
- There can be NO Temple in Jerusalem for 2 Tribes only – 12 are required.
- There can be NO Family/national Restoration without Yoseph being re-identified and accepted by the Family.
- There can be NO Yovel commemoration (it can only be restored after the Return of the House of Israel). Since the exile of the 10-Tribed House of Israel 2700 years ago, to this day, this Festive celebration has been postponed in Judaism.
“Yoseph is ALIVE! And wants to be re-identified and accepted. He IS not an Egyptian – but ‘circumcised’ (at heart, as are re-identifying Ten Tribers).
These re-awakening exiles ‘in Egypt’, ready for the 2nd and Greater Exodus) are NOT ‘Gerim in Israel’ – they are Gerim in ‘Egypt’ as was Yoseph. They are NOT to be treated at arm’s length as 2nd class citizens, strangers and pagans, but as ‘The Captive Hebrew Child”.
7 “Therefore,” says Adonai, “the day will come when people no longer swear, ‘As Adonai lives, who brought the people of Isra’el out of the land of Egypt,’ 8 but, ‘As Adonai lives, who brought the descendants of the house of Isra’el up from the land to the north’ and from all the countries where I drove them. Then they will live in their own land.”
3. Regarding the Stumbling Block for “Both Houses”
There is one issue of great importance for BOTH Houses, for Judah and for NT Messianics, who are most likely re-awakening Ten Tribers from the House of 10-Israel, destined by HaShem to RETURN.
This issue blocks the way to reconciliation. It is the avowed Messiah topic of these Torah Restorers. They CANNOT let go of him, and Judah cannot possibly accept him – certainly not by the anti-Torah and non-Jewish Image that Christianity has formulated about this Jew who lived in Jerusalem 2000 years ago and initiated a Halachic Jewish Messianic following amongst Jews.
IF we truly are entering the ‘End Time’ Period building up to the Final Redemption, the establishment of Malchut HaShem (the Universal Kingdom of the G-d of Israel), then we HAVE TO reconcile this Family Dispute. As in restoring a Marriage after Divorce, we HAVE TO accommodate every stumbling stone in the process. Crisis issues simply have to be put aside NEVER EVER to discuss again. We cannot delete memories of previous affairs which toppled the Marriage, but we do have the power and should have the persistence, for the sake of restoring the Family, NEVER to raise that issue in discussion again. We propose that we treat this NT Messiah issue as such – from BOTH Houses.
In the KOL HATOR Promotion we suggest the following strategy:
“To reconcile across this great barrier – the core of the Division which historically has caused great damage to Judah, will require great wisdom, patience and trust between the 2 divided Houses – and implicit trust in HaShem to accomplish the ultimate Reconciliation.
It is therefore incumbent on each of us:
If you are Messianic – to undertake never to proselytize Jews. This includes seeking or assuming opportunities to witness to Jews with the purpose to convince them of your Messiah. Proselytizing fosters the greatest obstacle to Reconciliation from a Jewish viewpoint. Treat your ‘love affair’ with your Messiah as your ‘bedroom affair’. No descent person speaks out of his/her bedroom.
If you are Jewish – to undertake not to insist that 10-Tribers deny their Messiah as a pre-condition to reconciliation. Jews have to trust HaShem, and must believe and know in their heart and brain, that the upcoming Reconciliation will be carried out in a G-d guided way that will only enhance Judah’s stand with G-d , with Torah, Halachah and its own holy identity. Realize also, and give these Returnees the credit that they DO worship the Creator G-d of Israel – the G-d of the Jews. All the rest is cloaked in confusion, even in Judaism, e.g. regarding giving a precise description of HaShem, or of the Mashiach and what his true identity will be.
G-d hides Himself.
We have guidelines set for us also in the Scriptures, for handling just such a Stumbling Block:
Isa. 8:9-23. Read for yourself.
V. 9 “God is with us!”
V. 6 “Wrap up this document, and confine its teaching to those I have instructed.”
V. 17 “’I’ll wait for Adonai, who is hiding His face from the house of Ya‘akov; yes, I will look for Him.”
Also, please read, note, and act on our suggested Guidelines for Reconciliation.
Let us “agree to disagree” – as we have to practice so extensively in Judaism. And let us trust HaShem to bring us through.
He requires us to reconcile and make Peace – He shall NOT force us into it!
“Together we shall conquer!”.
Independent research scholar. He works tirelessly as an activist promoting Israel and settlement of the Land of Israel, and as Webmaster and co-ordinator of Kol HaTor. Read More.