by Rabbi Chaim Richman; The Temple Institute
Parashat Yitro Exodus 18:1 – 20:23
Haftarah Yitro Isaiah 6;1 – 7:6; 9;5 – 6 (Isaiah 6,1-13)
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KOL HATOR Commentary
We have here once more a written record in the Scriptures of the ‘visible’ Presence Shechinah) of G-d with His Nation. This Shechinah left His Nation when the 1st Temple was destroyed – and has never yet returned. Ezekiel describes this tragic event in chapter 10. The underlying reason for the destruction and the departure of the Shechinah was the ‘division’ amongst the Nation which at that stage consisted of the House of Judah only – i.e. 2 Tribes mainly plus remnants of all 12 Tribes. By that time the 10-Tribed House of Israel had already been evicted by G-d from the Land for their failure to comply with His Will (Torah) and for rejecting the Divinely mandated Judicial Arm of the Nation (Judah – the Mechoqeck). Much is written by the Jewish Sages about the Return of the Shechinah but generally it points forward to the Time when the two divided Houses of Israel will reconcile and re-unite into ONE Nation. Sadly, this Reconciliation process is passed over by the Nation by laying it in the hands of a future ‘Messiah’ to achieve.
Developing realization though, caused by the factual development that our generation is fortunate to behold, viz. the Prophetically destined Return of the Exiles of Israel, seems to point to an entire miss-conception about this ‘Messiah’ to whom the responsibility of peaceful Reconciliation is transferred. We have written much on this topic lately as matters are unfolding giving us a ‘real’ vision today of what the Prophets and the Sages were writing about as the Great End Time Events are unfolding. You can update yourself with these reviews by using the Web Site Search facility which is provided on every page of this KHT Web Site. Enter topics like: Shechinah, Messiah, Blessing of Abraham, Servant (of G-d HaShem), New Covenant) – you will be presented with several responses.
The core of this week’s Parashah as revealed by Rabbi Richman (here below) exposes this very observation, viz. that followers of HaShem can become vessels (tabernacles) for His Spirit on a higher level. This obviously has to do with the Presence of His Shechinah (as reviewed in this Parashat commentary). Rabbi Richman points out that this ‘taking in of His Presence (Spirit)’, depends on us – to become receptive. Logically, as we receive, the Process will increase as HaShem ‘finds a Home’ in us through whom (His Servant which He is preparing) He can reconcile and re-unite His People. The Final Redemption is therefore dependent on HIS PEOPLE – not a ‘Special Personage’ to come. HaShem will use His People as Tabernacles in which He will dwell. His indwelling Spirit will imbue these living Channels with the Love to make Peace with each other across the devastating division of 2700+ years to date.
Through His Servant (the Nation), HaShem Himself, not a ‘Messiah,’ will rule in His Universal Kingdom over the Nations. Rabbinic interpretation confirms this identity of ‘The Servant’ as His Nation and not the Messiah, In their rejection of the New Testament (NT) Messiah as claimed by Christianity on basis of Isaiah ch. 53, it is a common interpretation by the Rabbis that the ‘suffering servant of HaShem’ in Isa. 53 really refers to the Nation of Israel. Our newly released study on ‘The Servant of Hashem’ as defined in 7 chapters of Isaiah (42 to 49) point to the clearly defined Statements by G-d that it refers to ‘His Savant who will be a Light unto the nations and will be mandated with regathering and re-uniting the 12 Tribes from the two divided Houses of Israel. Be sure to read and evaluate this concept in this quoted review, before summarily rejecting it.