CAUTIONARY NOTE – Please note that Rabbi Machlis is not associated with the KOL AHATOR VISION and does not necessarily subscribe to our interpretations. We publish, promote and recommend his erudite studies for the great insights that they provide.
KOL HATOR Commentay –
The Conservative Yeshiva, in its Haftarah Commentary on Parashat Eikev mentions a Midrash according to which people will not know how to digest God’s redemptive actions when Consolation comes. Even when good things happen, past trauma will diminish their ability to acknowledge them.
Part of the lack of proper realization of the Events surrounding this End Time Consolation is the non-recognition from the Scriptures of the Return of 12 Tribes, both Houses of Israel, NOT only the Jews.
In this video, Rabbi Machlis presents an exciting call from the Prophetic Reading (in verse 18, Isa. 49), as part of this Divine Consolation promising a glorious future for Israel and Jerusalem. It is a Call for raising the eyes to take note of the Ingathering when it comes, according to the Divine Promise of Consolation after the the long exile. It is important therefore that we apply this Message to the wider Ingathering oof 12 Tribes – thus including the pagan mirroring Yosef, the ‘Egyptian’ who is not recognized by any of his brothers! We need to make a deliberate effort to recognize the Ingathering. The text suggests that it will not be so evident – yet we should not be blinded to it. God is doing His part, we need to do ours from the receiving end in the Land of Israel. How much more exhilarating it will be to welcome back the Lost Israelites from across the World from every nation!
Our theme in this Newsletter this week is for us to become activated in the Ingathering – to assist and promote the Return of the Exiles rather than obstruct and oppose it with restrictive self-protecting measures and fears. The 2nd part of verse 18 then admonishes us, when we look up and recognize the Ingathered exiles: “you will wear them all (the Returnees) like jewels, adorn yourself with them like a bride.” Is this a metaphor of the Bride adorning herself for her Bridegroom – as depicted in the festive Time of Succot coming up at the end of these 7 weeks of Consolation? We are thus admonished to take careful and appreciative note of the Ingathering and treasure it like Jewels adorning the Bride.
Currently, this is NOT the case. While HaShem is waking up souls across the World to Torah –which could only be the fulfilment of the numerous Prophecies regarding the return of the Lost House of 10-Israel and their reuniting with the House of Judah into ONE restored 12-Tribed nation, these souls are treated as strangers (Gerim) under a newly developed definition which is not Torah friendly to them.
It is Time to realize that not only Jews should Return to the land, but also the other 10’12ths of the Nation – a vast masse of ‘innumerable ‘Goyim’ as promised by Divine Oath to Avraham and the Patriarchs. These souls should be nurtured, and serve as “Jewels adorning the Bride.”
Independent research scholar. He works tirelessly as an activist promoting Israel and settlement of the Land of Israel, and as Webmaster and co-ordinator of Kol HaTor. Read More.