Commentaries and Articles
Commentaries and Articles
The following articles present interesting information about
- the split of the nation of Israel into two opposing factions,
- the resultant exile and their whereabouts and influence,
- their Return to the Land of Israel,
- their Reconciliation of the two divided Houses of Israel,
- Re-Identification and complications and
- matters relating thereto
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- 1.1. Bereisheet
- 1.10. Mikeitz
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- 1.3. Lech Lecha
- 1.4. Va’yerah
- 1.5. Chayei Sarah
- 1.6. Toldot
- 1.7. Va'yetzey
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- 10-Israel Source
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Proselytizing or Evangelizing of Jews causes the Greatest Obstacle to Reconciliation of the 2 Houses of Israel
Why Jews should NOT be proselytized! The short answer to this question is:Those Jews who are considering recognizing and accepting the Messiah which Christianity proclaims, should consider that according to history and the New Testament, he was an orthodox Jew, who upheld Halachic Judaism until his last day on earth. Nowhere did he ever indicate […]

Evidence for the Oral Law: A Guide for Returning 10-Tribers
by Rabbi Avraham Feld co-founder of KOL HATOR Vision for the Retoration of 12-Tribed Israel When G-d gave the Laws of Booths (Succoth) to Moses (Leviticus chapter 23), He did not only say you should dwell in the Succah for 7 days, He also explained what exactly would comprise a valid Succah; minimum measurements, suitable […]

Judah – Did you know?
A Prose Poem by Agatha van der Merwe – a re-identifying 10-Triber A heart-rendering plea to Judah for acceptance Judah did you know? There is a hidden remnant of people Scattered and sown ‘mongst the nations afar, Who discovered we are your brother, Joseph Responding to a voice that is calling “This is the way […]

Unity in Diversity
How, indeed, do a people comprised of various tribes, each with its own character, temperament, talents and vocation, achieve union as “one nation”? Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe – adapted by Yanki Tauber; as published by under the Title “Tribes”. DISCLAIMER – The authors of this dissertation are not associated with KOL HA’TOR […]

The Karaites – Adversaries of the Redemption
Origin of the Karaites and their Teachings We will in this study attempt to analyze the often contentious and fiery topic of Rabbinic authority over the Word of G-d. This issue is intertwined with the topic of the Oral Torah of Judaism. We will then mainly address one of the many opposing forces against this […]

Shomron (Samaria) Tours
Shomron (Samaria) Bus Tours See and experience the SHOMRON (SAMARIA) – the ancient Biblical Heart Land of Israel, home of the Patriarchs and Prophets for 5 centuries before Jerusalem was established; the Bible Heartland hidden for 2000 years – now only being revealed by God! Shomron area Tours can include the following places: See the route which the […]

The Song of Ascents: Shir Ha Ma’a lot
Pronunciation: Shir – as in ‘shin’ ‘a’s – as in ‘Mamma’ Lot – ‘o’ as in ‘door’ Ma’a lot = ascent(s), from the same root as the word ‘aliyah’ = emigration to Israel, lit. to ascend, to go up to. This Song from the Psalms and its application in Jewish religious custom, provides wonderful confirmation […]

The Evolution of the Second Exodus
We are witnessing today the early and fast-increasing signs of this re-awakening, re-identifying, gathering, and reunion of the Two Houses of Israel, i.e. Judah (Jews) and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, into one reborn nation. This theme underpins the main message of Biblical Prophecy and is most pointedly summarized in one of the many […]

Parashat Noach (Noah) – Weekly Parashah
Texts: Genesis 6:9 – 11:32 || Isaiah 54:1 – 55:5 (Haftarah) NOTE: Kol HaTor, in its commentaries on the weekly Parashot, endeavours to search for and accentuate the Torah Messages contained in the Parashot as applicable to the main Theme of Tanach of the Return of the House of Israel, i.e. the Lost Ten Tribes of […]

Who is Shilo? – Jewish sources: Interpretation of ‘Shiloh’
Ancient Jewish tradition identified this mysterious person called “Shiloh” in Genesis 49:10, as being the Messiah: “Until Shiloh comes”: this alludes to the King Messiah” – Midrash Genesis Rabbah 98.8, ibid 99.9 “The Messiah’s name is Shiloh” – Midrash Lamentations Rabbah I.16.51 The Targums [Ancient Aramaic translations and paraphrases of the Hebrew Bible] are almost […]
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This book reveals the ‘hidden Secrets of Judaism’s invincibility’. These vibrant, spiritual life-giving formulas have been uncovered from the New Testament…
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