Final Redemption and the Return of the Shechinah Presence of G-d
Parashat Pekudei: Exodus 38:21- 40:38
Haftarah Pekudei: 1 Kings 7,51-8,21 (1 Kings 7,40-50)
Without both sides of the Family feud humbling themselves into Peaceful Reconciliation, there can be NO ‘Coming of a Mashiach’ or Final Redemption – notwithstanding all the ‘authoritative’ predictions being presented in these critical Times. The Message held by Parshat Pekudei which fell with Parashat Vayakhel last week in a double portion, is so important that we did not want to present you with a double Message last week. So, we decided to review it this week in our Newsletter while the normal Parashat Vayikrah reading for this week process.
Read what Final Redemption is all about and where we are standing in Time …!