Psalm 119 תְּהִלִּים – Declaring the Key of Life unto Humanity
Is Torah observance a ‘legalistic’ burden?
Are Christians and Hebraic Roots Restorers in error for believing that “The Torah has been done away with?”
and that Rabbinic Torah is ‘man made’?
Is the Torah just obligatory on Jews ?
Here we have, in one Psalm, the longest Psalm in the Scriptures, the entire Foundation of Life. Ps. 119 Is all about the Torah, expressing the Will of God, His Word, His Way, His wishes for the good of all mankind … Hence, Judah was mandated to be a Light unto the World for declaring God’s Will and teaching His Ways. This would earn them the hate and the scorn of the Nations until the End of Days when they would “bow before Judah” for their Guidance in finding and adopting these Keys to Life.