Standing at the Gates of the Promised Land in the Second Exodus at the culmination of the Ages
This Blog is compiled from Parashat and Haftorat Balak:
Parahah from TORAH: NUMBERS 22:2-25
Haftorah from PROPHETS: MICAH 5:6-6:8
In Jewish synagogue services the Torah is read in 52 weekly Parashot sections consecutively every year. The insight of the Jewish Sages in having paired up each Parashah with a section from the Prophetic books of the Tanach is astounding. This becomes evident from the fact that this pairing up does not change annually and it is eerie how these readings are ever so often echoed by leading international news events of that same week to confirm the accuracy of Bible prophecy. In general, These Haftorahs encapsulate and expound on the theme of the Parshah for the week.
Unfortunately, while commentaries on the Parashot abound weekly (on Internet these days), reviews of the Haftorot do not receive the same prominence generally. Haftorat Balak this week (from the book of the Prophet Micah), has a specially important concluding Message for the Time that we are living in.