Welcome to our Blog for New confirmations from Scripture
As more and more pieces are found in Scripture of the Great Puzzle of the End Time Events which are now in
process and which are leading to the Final Redemption, the Ultimate Truth now revealing itself seems to protrude faster and faster. Such revealing knowledge has been promised by the Prophet Daniel:
Daniel 12:4 “But as for you, Daniel, keep these words secret and seal the book until the time of the End. Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will increase.”
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Our latest Blog-Entries

The astounding Metaphor of Biblical Yosef for Our Days
USA Rousing Accolade to Yosef on his Birthday coinciding with the US Birthday Thur. July 4, 2019 (1 Tammuz, 5779) – was the commemoration of the Birth of Yosef in Mesopotamia, 6 years before his family returned to the Land of Israel. This is also the ‘4th July Birthday’ commemoration of the USA Independence 243 […]

Can Unity between orthodox Jews and ‘Messianic Jews’ ever be achieved?
NOTE – These responses are from the pen of OvadYah Avrahami (co-founder KHT) in a Forum Discussion by HAVERIM- a broad based Gathering Venue created by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum (AZAMRA) and Rod Bryant (NETIV) There is a current amazing World Phenomenon of millions of non-Jews across the world who are turning to Torah, to befriending […]

Hidden Secret of the Written vs. Oral Torah
In our Blog this week we will be deviating momentarily from our ongoing research topic: “How will HaShem circumvent His Own Torah restriction against receiving His divorced harlot Bride (The House of 10-Israel) back as His Beloved Spouse (together and reunited with Judah)?” The Ten Commands – written by HaShem on 2 Stone Tablets – […]

Are there 2 different ways of Redemption – one for Jews and one for Gentiles?
Blog – 14 June, 2019 Divine Marriage on the Rocks! The mighty Israelite World Empire of Kings David and Solomon crashed by God (The Husband) Himself, exiling first the 10-Tribed Northern Kingdom, (‘the House of Israel’) then finally, the House of Judah (2 Tribes, His Judicial Arm). Yet, Scripture abounds with endless Promises of a […]

Adultery – the real Cause for the Divorce of 10-Israel
Adultery in Jewish Culture and Halacha OvadYah Avrahami Blog – 7 June, 2019 We are searching, in this ongoing Blog discussion, how the Universal Kingdom Promises of a Restored 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel can be accomplished through a Marriage Reconciliation which had been Divinely promised but which is forbidden by Torah. Such a Re-marriage would […]

HaShem’s Eternal Promise of the Restoration of the Kingdom to Israel
Blog – 31 May, 2019 In our Blog last week we provided Rabbinic confirmation that HaShem indeed did divorce the ‘House of Israel’ (which is defined in Scripture as the Northern 10-Tribed Kingdom). This sector was torn away by God from King Solomon who ruled over a vast, prosperous International Empire. Solomon was left with […]

Did G-d divorce the House of 10-Israel?
And if so, HOW will He take her back as promised by Him seeing that He is restricted by His Own Law (Deut. 24:4) Blog – 24 May, 2019 In the next few reviews we will discuss this awesome Topic. We will set the scene by posting a Rabbinic overview and admission by Chazal […]

The Shechinah (Presence) of God – Part 2
Scriptural Prophecy abounds with Divine Promises of a ‘Final Redemption’, after the return of the Exiles to the Promised Land. This Event will feature the building of the Temple in Jerusalem and the Return of the Shechinah and the establishment of the Universal Kingdom of the God of Israel. He will then rule over the […]

The Shechinah (Presence) of God
Certain important aspects of this topic are regarded as a controversial Issue for many Bible Commentators. Bible Scripture confirms (Ezek. ch 10) that “The Shechinah Presence of God departed” from this World when His Kingdom (Israel) fell and was almost obliterated by the exile of both Houses of Israel, I.e. the 10-Tribed House of Israel […]

3 Guidelines and our obligation to Action to bring about Redemption and Restoration
Redemption and Restoration – the Main Theme of Scripture as confirmed by the Great End Time Phenomenon which is now engulfing the Earth By OvadYah Avrahami The entire “Great News of the Kingdom of God” is excellently summarized in one paragraph. It all screams out at us these days as we fit the Jig-Saw puzzle […]
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This book reveals the ‘hidden Secrets of Judaism’s invincibility’. These vibrant, spiritual life-giving formulas have been uncovered from the New Testament…
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