Welcome to our Blog for New confirmations from Scripture
As more and more pieces are found in Scripture of the Great Puzzle of the End Time Events which are now in
process and which are leading to the Final Redemption, the Ultimate Truth now revealing itself seems to protrude faster and faster. Such revealing knowledge has been promised by the Prophet Daniel:
Daniel 12:4 “But as for you, Daniel, keep these words secret and seal the book until the time of the End. Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will increase.”
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Our latest Blog-Entries
Yom Kippur – and entrance to the Kingdom Malchut HaShem
So, what was Yom Kippur all about today (9 Oct. 2019 – and every year?
Teshuvah, self-introspection, new hope, new vision, new convictions and new resolutions and new pledges.
For what purpose? To enjoy a happier more successful year 5780? Or is there something greater behind it all?
Is Yom Kippur only about Teshuvah, making right with HaShem and those around us whom we have failed – or is there something more of which this Sacred Day is a metaphoric, emblematic symbol or foresight?
The Coming New World Order – Universal Kingdom of God
Conclusion of the Torah
This is the 3rd last Weekly Torah Reading before the concluding of the Torah in Deut. Chapter 34. We have come to the end of the Annual Cycle in which the Torah is reviewed in 52 weekly sections. We have reached the End of the Torah as compiled by Moses to whom HaShem has entrusted the transferring of His Torah to His Nation and through them to the World. The Torah contains the terms and conditions of the Covenant which HaShem has concluded with His Nation, comparing to the terms Marriage Contract with His Bride, His Nation which will form the foundations of His Universal Kingdom ruling over all nations.
It is therefore a good time to review the link of the Torah to the entire Bible as the World has it today, which is claimed by its readers to represent the Word of God. We will also investigate the inclusion in the Bible of what amounts to be the ‘Oral Testimonies’ of the Messianic Movement which developed into the ‘Christian Bible’.
Our review of ‘The Bible’ will evaluate the overall effect of ‘The Bible’ in regard to the formation of the Universal Kingdom of Peace of the God of Israel which, according to Judaism, will result from the Final Redemption to take place at the conclusion of the End Time (which is generally believed to be the Time we are now entering into).
The Wedding of the Ages!
“Amongst all the negative fallout of 9th Av, when the Nation failed in courage to enter and possess the Promised Land, yet, these consolations hold a Great Forecast. HaShem promises the Greatest festivity of all Time for the descendants of these very same people, the ‘Nation of Israel’, in a Marriage Festivity which will betroth them to Him forever!
The Lost and Captive Jewish Child and their Return to Jewish identity and the Land of Israel
Rav Avraham ben Ya’acov reveals the Talmud statement about the ‘Lost or Captive Jewish Child.’ This child was created by the capture and exile of a Jewish woman from the Land of Israel through the centuries by Assyria, Babylon, the Roman Empire and on and on.
Many are led back today by HaShem through a yearning to ‘accept’ Judaism and Torah in their lives. They are mixed unrecognizably with millions of ‘Lost Ten Tribers’ who were exiled centuries before the 1st Temple destruction and also waking up to the Promised Divine Call today.
The question now arises re. the treatment by Judah of these Lost Jews who seem to be ‘re-awakening’ around the world today. If indeed, there rests an obligation on Judah to rescue such a ‘lost and captive’ Jewish soul, then we have to face the question: “What makes a ‘lost’ Ten Triber (who’s patriarchs stood with Judah at Mt Sinai and were citizens of King David and Solomon’s Israelite Empire) any different from such a ‘lost Jew?
Guidelines to NT Messianic Jews and Ten Tribers regarding their avowed Messiah
1. Regarding the creation of a reconciled and reunited Nation returned from exile and the re-building of Jerusalem and the Land:
The Divine Promises of the ultimate establishment of the Universal Kingdom of HaShem in Jerusalem on a new earth were made to Avraham and his descendants. In the repeated Blessings recorded in the Bible, these descendants would be innumerable in quantity and include Nations and Kings – referred to in some of these Scriptures as ‘Goyim’ – thus not only Israelites or Jews. It clearly comprised all 12 Tribes of Israel – not just Judah. This Promise of Blessing to the descendants of Abraham was and will remain to be founded on the underlying Condition of Torah observance, which forms the pillars of the Covenant relationship with the God of Creation, God of Israel.
Treasured Reconciliation Activators in the Tanach
Delving into well hidden factors in the Scriptures which can positively advance the Drive towards Reconciliation and hence Geulah – if we only would care to confront it rather than sweep it under the carpet
#1 – The Untold Story of Tzipporah, Wife of Moses.
#2 – The modern Ger controversy and its application to respond to the World Wide phenomenon of a Torah Awareness amongst non-Jews.
Does God suffer the consequences of His Creation failing Him?
It may be very controversial to raise a question like this about an omnipotent Almighty God. Many staunch believers in the God of Creation may take serious exception to such an audacious suggestion.
The following consideration though, confirmed by Rabbinic reasoning, will go a long way in promoting Redemption if seriously considered and appropriately acted upon by His People.
Is God limited and restricted, even being the Almighty Creator, as to His reactions to world trends and the stubbornness of His People in utilizing their right to a free choice?
Indeed, Restoration and Reconciliation between the two greatly divided Houses of Israel; Judah and 10-Israel, (predominantly New Testament observing Christians who are turning towards Torah observation in a masse phenomenon across the World). The staggering effect of this latter issue, is that there can be NO Final Redemption (Geulah) without this Reconciliation among His People; i.e. without Efraim willing to Come Home to their Inheritance and being accepted by Judah (the ‘Prodigal Son’ event). HaShem is waiting on His Family to make Peace with each other and to reunite. This is upholding Geulah. This is restricting HIM! The Resolve is in OUR Hands! Imagine the frustration to Him, the Pain of not being able to accomplish His Goal with human creation!
“I will Bless those who bless you, Israel …”
God said to Abram: Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse anyone who curses you.” The common interpretation of this Scripture is that it pronounces a fearful condemnation by God Almighty on “those who curse Jews and Judaism.” The original Hebrew text of this Scripture, however, holds far greater […]
Psalm 119 תְּהִלִּים – Declaring the Key of Life unto Humanity
Is Torah observance a ‘legalistic’ burden?
Are Christians and Hebraic Roots Restorers in error for believing that “The Torah has been done away with?”
and that Rabbinic Torah is ‘man made’?
Is the Torah just obligatory on Jews ?
Here we have, in one Psalm, the longest Psalm in the Scriptures, the entire Foundation of Life. Ps. 119 Is all about the Torah, expressing the Will of God, His Word, His Way, His wishes for the good of all mankind … Hence, Judah was mandated to be a Light unto the World for declaring God’s Will and teaching His Ways. This would earn them the hate and the scorn of the Nations until the End of Days when they would “bow before Judah” for their Guidance in finding and adopting these Keys to Life.
The much hidden mysterious Figure of Messiah ben Yosef
Parashat Chukot provides us with further clues in our search for the mysterious Mashiach ben Yosef (MbY). This Parashah brings into perspective two main foundational elements – the two mainstays of HaShem’s Plan of Redemption for humanity, i.e. Torah and Eternal Life. ‘Chukot’ means ‘Laws,’ and Proverbs 3:18 defines the Torah as a “Tree of […]
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This book reveals the ‘hidden Secrets of Judaism’s invincibility’. These vibrant, spiritual life-giving formulas have been uncovered from the New Testament…
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