Welcome to our Blog for New confirmations from Scripture
As more and more pieces are found in Scripture of the Great Puzzle of the End Time Events which are now in
process and which are leading to the Final Redemption, the Ultimate Truth now revealing itself seems to protrude faster and faster. Such revealing knowledge has been promised by the Prophet Daniel:
Daniel 12:4 “But as for you, Daniel, keep these words secret and seal the book until the time of the End. Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will increase.”
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Our latest Blog-Entries

Divine Awakening Call in Corona Plague’s’ ‘Personal Distancing’
Does this Parashah hold a hidden Message and Caring Directive from HaShem to all mankind including the Jewish Religion contained in the ‘Personal Distancing’ which the Corona Plague has forced onto all Mankind?

Final Clearance for entering the last Stretch to Final Redemption
This week’s Parashah deals with the Shechinah of G-d establishing His Presence in the Tabernacle built by the Nation to serve as the Temple which HaShem wishes to dwell in amongst His People. Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks in his Parashat review points out the foundational choice that these Returnees in the 2nd Exodus have to make – a Pointer for especially the House of 10-Israel which, unlike the House of Judah, have lost their Torah identity totally in their Exile. This is mirrored in a fearfully awesome and tragic event right at the Time of the inaugurational service in the Tabernacle…

Come Home, break through and Become!
The following two poems were written by individuals in the inner surroundings that Corona has forced the World into. These Poems reflect the trend of fast changing attitudes across the Globe and also, once again, the insights that we have shared over the last few weeks in these Parshiyot reviews about where things seem to be heading.

Final Redemption and the Return of the Shechinah Presence of G-d
Parashat Pekudei: Exodus 38:21- 40:38
Haftarah Pekudei: 1 Kings 7,51-8,21 (1 Kings 7,40-50)
Without both sides of the Family feud humbling themselves into Peaceful Reconciliation, there can be NO ‘Coming of a Mashiach’ or Final Redemption – notwithstanding all the ‘authoritative’ predictions being presented in these critical Times. The Message held by Parshat Pekudei which fell with Parashat Vayakhel last week in a double portion, is so important that we did not want to present you with a double Message last week. So, we decided to review it this week in our Newsletter while the normal Parashat Vayikrah reading for this week process.
Read what Final Redemption is all about and where we are standing in Time …!

Change the Fear of Death to a Blessing of Life Eternal
The core message of this week’s Torah portion Parashat Vayakhel is focused on OUR Main responsibility towards HaShem’s Goal for Mankind – to ensure our participation in the building of the Tabernacle (Mishkan) in which He wishes to dwell amongst His People who will become sanctified as His Temple – to serve as a Light unto the Nations and through whom He will rule over the Universe in His Eternal Kingdom.
Now, for how to achieve this?
Like all success in life, the Creator’s Recipe is for man to…

The High Priest Breast Plate
More on the ‘Primary Goal’ of the Creator which the Tabernacle and its consents and Services hold (the topic of the next 14 weekly Parashiyot. This week we highlight the Breast Plate of the High Priest and the uplifting Promises that it holds for us…

This is what it is all about… – Chen, Chesed v’Rachamim
Mercy, compassion, clemency, forgiveness, sympathy, empathy, leniency, concern
(Parashat Mishpatim: Exodus 21:1 – 24:18 – Haftarah Mishpatim: Jeremiah 33:25-26, 34:8-22)
Chen, Chesed v’Rachamim (pronounce ‘ch’ as in ‘Bach’) is the Mirror reflecting HaShem’s Love for ALL His Creation, in which we should judge ourselves daily. Let us paste it on our mirrors. It is the characteristics without which no one would be able to become citizens of His Eternal Kingdom. It is the essentials underlying the entire Geulah (Final Redemption) scenario which we are now facing before the approaching Geulah. It is …

Brush with the Divine
Parashat Yitro Exodus 18:1 – 20:23
Haftarah Yitro Isaiah 6;1 – 7:6; 9;5 – 6 (Isaiah 6,1-13)
The Shechinah (visible Presence of G-d) left His Nation when the 1st Temple was destroyed – and has never yet returned. The 2nd Temple was devoid of this Shechinah. Much is written by the Jewish Sages about the Return of the Shechinah but generally it points forward to the Time when the two divided Houses of Israel will reconcile and re-unite into ONE Nation. Sadly, this Reconciliation process is passed over by the Nation by laying it in the hands of a future ‘Messiah’ to achieve.

First we have to act…
Parashat Beshalach: Exodus 13:17 – 17:16
Haftarah Beshalach: Judges 4:4 – 5:31 (Judges 5:1 – 31)
In his video commentary on Parashat Beshalach, Rabbi Riskin reveals the Golden Guideline for preparing ourselves for the Final Redemption. He recalls Rashi’s commentary on the event in this Parashah when Moses starts praying to G-d for help as they reach the barrier of the Sea, with Farao’s troops drawing up from behind. What was G-d’s response to him ….?

Facing the Final Stages of Redemption
The context of all Scripture, as interpreted by Jewish Sages throughout the Ages, determines the vital necessity for the reconciliation and re-unification of all 12 Tribes of Israel, gathered back to the Land from exile, in order for the Shechinah of G-d to return to His People. In this way G-d intends to dwell amongst His People in His Universal Kingdom which will serve as a Light unto the Nations. This entails a Process of Redemption in a series of four stages – of which we now seem to have reached the final 3rd and 4th.
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This book reveals the ‘hidden Secrets of Judaism’s invincibility’. These vibrant, spiritual life-giving formulas have been uncovered from the New Testament…
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