Texts: Genesis 23:1 – 25:18 || 1 Kings 1:1 – 1:31 (Haftarah)
NOTE: Kol HaTor, in its commentaries on the weekly Parashot, endeavours to search for and accentuate the Torah Messages contained in the Parashot as applicable to the main Theme of Tanach of the Return of the House of Israel, i.e. the Lost Ten Tribes of Northern Israel and their Reconciliation with Judah to form the reunited 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel.
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Tracing the context with our previous 4 Parashot, this Parashah opens with the death of Sarah.
When Abraham returned home, to inform Sarah of the joyful saving of Yitzchak’s life, she had passed away – probably because of Yitzchak’s presumed death! (Oral Torah).
Abraham, at a very high age, is now left with his only son Yitzchak and the Divine Promise of multitudes, nations and kings to become his descendants who would inherit the Promised Land shown to Abraham from Mt Kabir, the Mt. of Blessings.
Yitzchak is not yet married, so Abraham sends his servant, Eliezer, to the land of his birth where his family still lived, to find Yitzchak a wife from amongst Abraham’s relatives. With G-d’s guidance, the servant locates Rivkah (Rebecca) from amongst Abraham’s relatives, a beautiful young woman who possesses the kindness that a mother of G-d’s Elect should have and who is prepared to accompany the servant back to Abraham’s household.
Gen. 24:59 “So they (Rivkah’s mother and relatives) sent (her) on her way, along with her nurse and Abraham’s servant and his men. 60 And they blessed Rivkah and said to her,
Our sister, may you increase
to thousands upon thousands;
may your offspring possess
the cities of their enemies.
This is our hint to follow the Abrahamic Blessing in the genealogy of Abraham, i.e. the Promise of an elected people through whom the Creator would fulfill His Original Intention of creating a breed of people worthy of becoming co-rulers with Him in His Universal Kingdom. For this sake He would persist with the creation of humanity who, being created with a free choice between Good and Evil, so much disappointed Him by choosing evil. It was for the sake of the few righteous people amongst the masses that G-d refrained from destroying His entire Creation.
This election thus runs through Yitzchak, the only remaining son of Abraham, when he was commanded by G-d to sacrifice Yitzchak. God honoured Abraham’s immovable faith in His Promise of a great descendantcy even if Yitzchak had to die, and provided Abraham, at the last moment, with a sacrificial animal in place of Yitzchak.
Concluding confirmation from our Parashah
G-d wants 10-Israel’s physical action and assistance to their fellow brothers in the front lines of Return, to be as complete as the intentions of their hearts. HaShem looks upon the heart of man, the intention. This is how He measures righteousness.
From Parashat “Chayei Sarah” (Life of Sarah) we learn that Sarah represents the Biblical metaphor for Life – the Divinely intended Purpose set in humanity, His living Creation. Israel’s matriarch, Rivka (Rebecca), follows in her footsteps with kindness as her mascot. From the above Rabbinic insight we are inspired to project the divine attributes of true Dedication and sincere Effort.
There can be no greater appropriate cause for today’s returning Ten Tribers to practice on, than in making the Return of 10-Israel and their Reconciliation with Judah a reality. This requires an immense infrastructure – we are only at grass roots level. Unless these are watered, they will not sprout. Water represents Life – as in Chayei Sarah- our Torah Reading herewith. YOU – hold the jar for this water in your hands!
Draw it! Fill it! Use it to abundance!
Re-awakening and re-identifying Ten Tribers today should NOT expect to be “carried” Home by HaShem. What merits would that hold for YOUR worthiness for Return?
Only by putting one’s shoulder to the wheel, by spending sweat and support, can one display your own seriousness about His Cause; can one expect to find merit and assistance to Return.

Read more about the Founders of Kol HaTor:
* Rabbi Avraham Feld
* OvadYah
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