Shalom [subscriber:firstname | default:dear friend],
We are living in awe-inspiring Times. After all, if the Scriptures are true, if all that it says is true – and we know that we are living in the final decades of the 6th Millennia, right before the 7th, Shabbat Millennium - then the Final Scene of this Life Show must be at hand. Like the closing of the day on Friday before the Shabbat – darkening hours. Yet, the Joy of Shabbat will break through in stunning Light!
Amidst all the stunning events taking place around us; and with our enlightened understanding amongst the virtual signs which are breaking age-old mysteries - as we open this week’s Haftarah in Zech. 2, lightning flashes once more right from the opening sentences:
Zech. 2:14 (Hebrew Tanach) Zech. 2:10 (other translations).
This is “The Return of His Shechinah (Presence)" which He promised to Return. This is ‘Shiloh’ (that which is His) Who shall take over the Mechoqeck Rule from Judah (Gen. 49:10).
Wishing you HaShem’s richest Blessings!
Co-founder, KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel
NOTE – The views and opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily shared by the Rabbinic Associates of KOL HATOR VISION. These views are the personal conclusions of the author based on the Rabbinic sources quoted in the article and elsewhere on this Web Site.
This Week’s Parashah:
From the KOL HATOR library
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May this Parashah inspire us to become the Kidushim (Holy ones, righteous ones) to receive the Eternal Gift of ruling with the God of Israel, as His Living Tabernacle – to possess the Kingdom for ever, even foe ever and ever.