Shalom [subscriber:firstname | default:dear friend],
In a recent Newsletter, we have been reviewing the Gaon of Vilna’s predictions that, towards the dawning of the Final Redemption (Geulah), the evil forces of Satan would launch final desperate attacks against HaShem’s Kingdom Intention. In that Newsletter, we have emphasized the Gain’s reference to Satan as the evil force (Amalek) that opposes the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the restoration of the Land of Israel. As evidence, we referred to the recent UN demand that Israel ends its illegal occupation of the Land. At the time of writing that Newsletter, I was not aware of what was to come shortly.
Then, this past week, I was swamped by a flood of vehemently anti-Jewish publications on Facebook and other media – more than I have seen in all of the past 60 years of my involvement in this Restoration of the 12-Tribed Israel Movement, which is now flooding the Gentile World. These were opinions and commentaries expressed by various sources, claiming that the current population of Israel, since its establishment in 1948, were not Jews. On the extreme end, they labeled Jews as being “the synagogue of Satan,” as per a quote from the New Testament book of Revelations 2:9 and 3:9.
- " I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan ... I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
The promotors of this concept range from Messiah-proclaiming Christians to Hebraic Roots Restorers, with the most prominent outspoken sources being amongst Black anti-Semite groups who claim to be the true Israel and Jews. They are armed with Scriptures from the Tanach (e.g. Isa. 65 - according to their interpretation) but mostly by long-standing anti-Semitic ‘historic extracts’ of the origin of these “usurping Jews” who now run the Jewish country of Israel. They are also well-armed with Illuminati theories, anti-Talmud, and anti-Rabbinic, anti-Judaism theories which have long circulated amongst Jew-hating masses.
What these people don’t realize is that those Scriptures that they use to label identified Jews as 'the synagogue of Satan,' can just as efficiently be pointing to themselves – more so because they are NOT Jewish, but, by means of Replacement theology, they have claimed the Promises of God for Israel and Judah. Can it be that they are included in the Death-bed Promise by the Patriarch Ya'acov, to his son Judah, father of the Tribe of Judah Roots of Israel, when he prophesied: Gen. 49:8, " “Judah, your brothers will praise you; your hand will be on the neck of your enemies; your father’s sons (the 12 Tribes - which includes the Lost 10 Tribes now in process of re-awakening across the World to their Hebraic Roots) will bow down to you." Then in verse 10, Ya'acov prophesied that the Tribe of Judah would become "The Mechoiqeck" (Lawgiver, Justice Arm) of God!
It would require a voluminous book to review the numerous irrefutable claims to:
- the Jewish identity of especially the nation of modern reborn Israel, now 73 years old, having rebuilt a current Top-10 Country from scratch after 2000 years of exile from the Land;
- t0 reflect on the miraculous rebirth and rebuilding of the historic Jewish Land by a people virtually crawling out of the Death Camps of Hitler, who took great pains to ensure that he dragged all the identified Jews (even seculars) into his extermination camps. Try to tell Hitler that they were not Jews.
- to the great care that Israeli authorities take to allow ONLY Jews into the newborn Land as citizens. This proof of Judaism is controlled by Jewish religious authorities that accept only specific proof of Jewsish heritage, through a maternal line. No such proof, no citizenship in Jewish Israel. The constitution of Israel, since its
- inception in 1948, allows a legal Right of Retun on the basis of maternal linetage.
- The most secure Proof all as to the Jewish Identity of citizens of this reborn Jewish State are the numerous Divine Promises and Oaths by the God of Israel, that notwithstanding the non-compliance of the ancient nation, He would bring them back from exile to the Land of their forefathers, i.e., the Land of Promise to Abraham and his descendants. God does not lie, and neither fails His Promises.
- These self-claiming rejecters of a Jewish Israel today have no share in the rebuilding of the Land of Israel, as God promised the returnees would need to do, in preparation for Jerusalem as the Seat of His future Universal Kingdom. That, while the current citizens of Israel spend their sweat, tears, and blood building the Land. Having returned without military armor, they faced wars against the surrounding Arab nations, to this day, who want to rid the Land of them, BECAUSE they are Jews! Try to tell the terrorists and surrounding enemies of Jewish Israel, that this nation is not Jewish.
- Try telling the anti-Semites across all nations where anti-Semitism is fast increasing, that these people are not Jews!
That is the very reason for the hate against them – not because they are not Jews, but because they ARE Jews! How elementary! Try and get these Jew haters to accept it.
The Final Redemption Plan of the Creator is founded on the Abrahamic Blessing, i.e., that his descendants will inherit the Land of Israel – this very Land that is now being rebuilt. The evil powers, as indicated by the Gaon of Vilna also, is Hell-bent on destroying this Land, in order to prevent the establishment of the Universal Kingdom of God.
This Blessing to Abraham, in repeated Promises in the Bible to the ancient Patriarchs of Israel, included Gentiles, as innumerable as “the dust of the earth, the sand of the sea.” So, yes, it includes other nations – but then surely, those who love the People and the Nation who carries the Covenant Promises of God, that Nation whom God would bring back to rebuild, not to destroy, but to become part of God’s Torah Kingdom. Surely, this cannot apply to those who wish to destroy Jewish Israel?
In order for you to absorb the full awesome Message that underlies this issue, be sure to go now and read that previous Newsletter with all this in mind. Select which side you want to be on. Note how that, demonizing the Jewish nation that is rebuilding Israel and Jerusalem, according also to the analysis of the Gaon, is tantamount to siding with Satan against Mashiach ben Yosef – and thus against God!
This now also defines who the “Synagogue of Satan truly is!
To assist you in drawing closer to the Task of Mashiach ben Yosef, who, according to the Gaon, is liable for rebuilding the Land and retuning the exiles – we offer you the following inspiring opportunity:
Jerusalem Reconciliation Conference May, 2023
In continuation of our highly successful and inspiring Jerusalem Conferences of Shavuot (Pentecost) 2016 and 2017, we will this year, the last week of May, 2023, be hosting another 3-day Reconciliation Conference in Jerusalem – for Judah to meet up and celebrate together with re-awakening Ephraim / Yoseph the awesome coming together of the Two Sticks of Ezek. 37. Delegates from across the Earth will be addressed by Orthodox Rabbis and Restoration leaders, NOT to argue about religious differences but to rejoice in the re-uniting Spirit which is taking place in the Run-up to the Final Redemption.
IF the Conference is sufficiently supported by a large delegation from all the other Nations, we will be able, this Time, to draw the attention and representation at the Conference of the New Rightist Netanyahu Government – which would open the Future Doors for the physical Return of 10-Israel.
The Time is ripe. God is waiting on US to come to the Table!
At our previous Conferences, we had respectively 200 and 300 delegates from the 4 corners of the earth. Let’s go for 1000 and more this Time – then we will have a Voice!
For this all, we depend on YOU!
May these messages assist in promoting the Unity to advance and proceed to the Final Redemption (Geulah} – the Time Period of which it seems that we are now entering towards the end of this 6th Millennium – the Time of Trouble, birth pangs of the Shabbat Millennium with all its Blessings…
Wishing you HaShem’s richest Blessings!
Co-founder, KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel.
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Parashat Beshalach (‘Release’).
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May these studies inspire us to become the Kidushim (Holy ones, righteous ones) to receive the Eternal Gift of ruling with the God of Israel, as His Living Tabernacle – to possess the Kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.