Shalom [subscriber:firstname | default:dear friend],
We are living in unparalleled Tines. Contradiction, disagreement and manipulation lies at the root of mass confusion. As in the time before the Noah Flood, the Tower of Bavel, the Babylonian exile – HaShem uses this confusing turmoil to create Order – His Order. And He consistently calls His People out of it and towards His System and His Land. Covid 19 could well be the current version of the 10 Plagues to call His People out and Home – Home to His ultimate Kingdom which is in process of erection right now. The problem is that only a fraction of His People respond, as in the past – the major balance prefers the Confusion Scene which is familiar to them. They shun the unknown Factor involved in selecting His Way forward from here to the Final Goal.
Evolving from our recent weekly Parashot conclusions in this reading circle, we have now arrived at the juncture where we are faced with CHANGE – change of our evaluation measures which have brought us thus far. Once again, we know our current surroundings, we know what the ultimate Goal is – but, we are inclined to resist any suggestions of CHANGE required for reaching the Final Destination. Change presents risk – but, without change we will remain in this Confusion – i.e. in Egypt.
This CHANGE concerns the Reconciliation which is required across the 2700 year division in the Nation of HaShem since the split of the World Empire of King Solomon to this day. It hinges on 'an Exit from Egypt'. It requires CHANGE on several levels.
The commentaries that we now present here should hopefully bring more awareness of this need. Only when the full implication of all becomes accepted can there be any hope for Reconciliation – thus for the ultimate Geulah (Final Redemption) to materialize. Just as in the Exodus and the Babylonian exile, the Holocaust – we have to act by following His Call. He does NOT force us – we have to choose. This requires CHANGE – change of attitudes, responses and co-operation.
Exile – the Ultimate Curse, worse than Death!
In the Divine Plan, Redemption follows Exile. This entails exit from captivity and return to our ultimate Destination with HaShem in His Kingdom. We find this pattern several times in the history of Israel. We are now approaching Final Redemption – which requires release and return from universal exile not only of the Jews (Judah) but, according to Scripture and as the Main Theme of Prophecy, also the Return of the Lost House of Israel – which means 10/12ths of the Israel nation - millions of captive souls, our Family and Nation.
While there is great content amongst religious believers that they are on track to God’s Ultimate Goal of Redemption, the staggering Truth is that they are blissfully unaware that the major portion of these exiles are still captive and that there can not be a Final Redemption without their Retuirn from exile. These exiles are equally unaware of their captivity as they have lost their Hebrew identity through 2700 years of exile amongst the Nations. If this were really true – would you be willing to CHANGE your attitude towards that which is withholding the Final Redemption - their Return from exile?
To assist you in facing and responding to that challenge we place the following article which features the awesome reality of 'Exile being a Curse worse than Death.
When you have acquainted yourself with this little known Divine Truth proclaimed in this review, then be sure to return to this Newsletter to consider two further even greater startling factors:
Click on this link to READ.
After having defined the awesome implications of Exile, the question facing you now is this: Are you concerned about those ‘family members’ still captive in Exile? Are you prepared to CHANGE your consideration of meeting them in their plight and assist them in their return - which upholds Final Redemption?
The following article raises even deeper concern:
Where is G-d in the Exile?
If Exile is a Curse worse than Death, where would HaShem then be in such times as regards the exiles? The following commentary presents an astonishing view which emphasizes the faithfulness of G-d to His Creation. Again, a finger pointing at us to imitate His Compassion and Love.
When you have acquainted yourself with this little known Divine Truth, then be sure to return here to consider further startling factors:
Click on this LInk to READ.
Having read that stirring review of God not having deserted the exiles and that He will return with them, are you now prepared to CHANGE your attitude towards this Exile and the vital need for Reconciliation between the estranged two sides in the Family of G-d; to imitate His Compassion and Love for His Family Nation and all humanity? This Return of His Shechinah is waiting on our accepting the exiles back, especially at this moment of time where there is an awakening amongst them to Return to Torah. Rather than claiming "Torah only for Jews", we need to reach out to them and teach them with great compassion.
Rabbi Avraham Sutton aptly sums this Divine Compassion up in his following enlightening observation:
Tehillim (Psalms) 126 – Translation and commentary by Rabbi Avraham Sutton
“A Song of Ascents from the depths of exile: (When Hashem will come out of concealment and return with the captivity of Tziyon), we will all awaken as if from a deep slumber; it will be so wondrous, as if an impossible dream has finally come true”.
(Refer also to the KHT Web Site for our commentary on this Psalm).
“The verse does not state “behashiv Hashem shivat Tziyon—when Hashem will restore the captivity of Zion” but rather “beshuv Hashem et shivat Tziyon—when Hashem will return with the captivity of Zion.” This implies that the Shechinah is in exile with the Jewish people, and will be redeemed with us at the time of the Redemption. The source for this teaching is found in the Talmud (Megillah 29a): “Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai said: Come and see how beloved is Israel before the Holy One, for everywhere they were exiled, the Shekhinah accompanied them. When they were exiled to Egypt, the Shekhinah accompanied them, as it is written, ‘Did I not reveal Myself to your ancestors when they were in Egypt?’ (I Samuel 2:27). When they were exiled to Babylon, the Shechinah accompanied them, as it is written, ‘For your sake I was sent away to Babylon’ (Isaiah 43:14). So too when they will be redeemed in the future, the Shechinah will accompany them [back from exile], as it is written, ‘Hashem your God will return with your captivity’ (Deuteronomy 30:3). It is not written ‘veheshiv Hashem—Hashem will restore’ but ‘beshuv Hashem et—Hashem will return with…’ This teaches us that, as it were, the Holy One Himself will be redeemed from exile along with Israel.” (End of quote by Rav Sutton)
The following song rendering of this Psalm begs such an Invitation for Reconciliation and Return;
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Wishing you HaShem’s richest Blessings!
Co-founder, KOL HATOR Vision for the Restoration of the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel
Parashat Toldot
Note – These links are from Mecho-Mamre for Hebrew and English version. Click ‘Refresh’ or ‘Hebrew’ in URL window if the Hebrew text does not appear on the left side in addition to the English.
You may read selected commentaries which feature the Reconciliation and Restoration Message of the Scriptures here:
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